Page 208 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
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          PROPERTY FROM THE HEI-CHI COLLECTION       明   玉馬上封侯擺件                                                     PROPERTY FROM THE HEI-CHI COLLECTION        遼至金   白玉仕女對弈圖牌飾
          A JADE ‘HORSE AND MONKEY’ GROUP                                                                            A RETICULATED WHITE JADE ‘LADIES PLAYING
          MING DYNASTY                               來源:                                                             CHESS’ PLAQUE
                                                     聽松書屋收藏                                                          LIAO – JIN DYNASTY
          depicting a monkey clambering atop a recumbent horse
          and grasping its mane with one hand, the stone of a greyish-  展覽:                                          skilfully worked with varying levels of relief to depict two
          celadon colour with extensive black patches skilfully utilised to                                          ladies playing a game of chess, flanked by an attendant and
          render the head and right side of the horse  《中國玉雕》,香港藝術館,香港,1983年,編號278                                   lingzhi blooms issuing from the ground, all below gnarled and
          6.3 cm, 2½ in.                             《日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代》,香港藝術                                          intertwining branches issuing pine blossoms, the reverse left
                                                     館,香港,2015-2016年,編號183                                           uncarved
                                                     出版:                                                             7.2 cm, 2¾ in.
          Collection of Tingsong Shuwu.
                                                                                                                     HK$ 300,000-400,000
          EXHIBITED                                                                                                  US$ 38,700-52,000
          Chinese Jade Carving, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong,
          1983, cat. no. 278.
          The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society
          Collection, Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong, 2015-
          2016, cat. no. 183.

          Jiang Tao and Liu Yunhui, Jades from the Hei-Chi Collection,
          Beijing, 2006, p. 175.

          HK$ 200,000-300,000
          US$ 25,800-38,700
          Such a carving would have been presented to an aspiring   此件栩栩如生,色巧潤澤,寄有飛黃騰達之願,誠同類
          official, as the depiction of a monkey atop a horse forms the   器中佳作。相關明代玉雕可參考《中國肖生玉雕》展出
          rebus Ma shang feng hou, conveying the wish for a speedy   兩例,香港藝術館,香港,1996年,編號152-153。
          Compare two related Ming dynasty horse and monkey groups
          included in the exhibition Chinese Jade Animals, Hong Kong
          Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1996, cat. nos 152-153.
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