Page 171 - Sotheby's Asia Week March 2024 Chinee Art
P. 171

           A LARGE AND RARE UNDERGLAZE-BLUE AND      清康熙初 青花釉裏紅蝶戀花圖盆
           PERIOD                                    來源:
           Diameter 14¼ in., 36.1 cm
                                                     Julia 及 John Curtis 伉儷收藏
           PROVENANCE                                紐約佳士得2015年3月16日,編號3580
           Marchant, London, 28th May 1985.
           Collection of Julia and John Curtis.      展覽:
           Christie’s New York, 16th March 2015, lot 3580.  《康熙青花釉裏紅》,馬錢特,倫敦,2016年,編
           Kangxi Underglaze Blue and Copper-Red, Marchant, London,
           2016, cat. no. 2.
           Charmingly depicting a praying mantis on rockwork beneath
           branches of prunus with a butterfly in flight to the left, the
           present basin is rare on account of its handsome form and
           its masterfully painted nature scene. An exemplary example
           of its kind, the basin represents the height of ceramic
           production at the kilns during the early Kangxi period, where
           they were able to fire large, heavily potted ceramics of this
           kind as well as skillfully manipulate the cobalt and copper-
           oxide pigment to fire vibrant blues and bright reds as seen
           on the present basin.
           Only a few of these large basins appear to be recorded
           and amongst the few, two are dated by inscription with a
           Zhonghe tang hall mark. See a closely related basin, with
           a similarly decorated rim and cavetto as well as the same
           channeled foot, but decorated with a figural scene to the
           interior, in the British Museum, London (accession no.
           PDF653), and included in Rosemary Scott, Elegant Form
           and Harmonious Decoration: Four Dynasties of Jingdezhen
           Porcelain, London, 1992, pl. 110. The base of the basin is
           inscribed with a dated Zhonghe tang hall mark, translating
           to ‘made in the xinhai year of the Kangxi reign for the
           Zhonghe hall’, corresponding to the year 1671. Another dated
           example, formerly in the S. Winkworth Collection, is now in
           the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, and illustrated in
           Katherine Butler and Theresa Canepa, Leaping the Dragon
           Gate. The Sir Michael Butler Collection of Seventeenth-
           Century Chinese Porcelain, London, 2021, p. 418. Decorated
           with a scene from the Romance of the Western Chamber, the
           cavetto and rim are again similarly decorated with the base
           bearing the same inscription as the British Museum basin.
           Another basin, unmarked and decorated to the interior with
           a ‘Master of the Rocks’-style landscape scene, is in the Sir
           Michael Butler Collection, illustrated in ibid., pp 416-417.
           ⊖  $ 60,000-80,000

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