Page 16 - A Time and A Place Catalogue, Jorge Welsh
P. 16
Trade Given the popularity of this subject in European around 1720, provided Chinese porcelain painters
art, it was only natural that it should also appear with a greater variety of colour combinations and
020 on Chinese export art, due to the special com subtle variations of shades, which, in turn, enabled
missions that were becoming more frequent. the painting of more complex and intricate designs
These images were portrayed on a variety and transformed the overall appearance of Chinese
of mediums, ranging from individual plates, porcelain. This colour palette, which brought
dinner services, tea sets, punch bowls, mugs, enamelling on porcelain closer to painting in oil,9
snuff boxes, urns, cisterns, vases, and plaques permitted a more accurate, yet not necessarily
made of porcelain, to folding fans, painted ivory detailed, transposition of European designs,
plaques, lacquer, and canvas. In 1683, the Kangxi in a way that must have appealed even more
emperor (1662-1722) lifted the embargo on foreign to the Western customers.
trade that had been established in 1655, during
the early years of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911).6 Furthermore, in the early 1740s, the quantity
Consequently, the ports of Guangzhou (Canton) of porcelain ordered by the Europeans had
and elsewhere reopened, and European merchants reached such high proportions that the procedure
were officially allowed to trade with China.7 of decorating the pieces with overglaze enamels
was not only carried out at Jingdezhen but also
On their arrival in Canton, the European supercar at the port of Canton, so as to accelerate
goes and officers, who would be acting on behalf of the process.10
their respective companies or representing their
own interests in private trade, would be escorted As a result, the lines of communication between
by a Chinese merchant to his warehouse. These those ordering and those producing the porcelain
storerooms would be packed with porcelain were considerably shortened, reducing the risk of
decorated with patterns that were known to mistakes in the designs. The client, who no longer
be popular in the West. When other shapes were needed to rely on intermediaries, exercised more
desired, the buyers would have to place an order, control in loco. In addition, the risk incurred of
providing a specific design, with colour and shape breakage during transportation, during storage
stipulations, that would be ready to be collected in the warehouses, and loading the cargoes
in the following season. During the 18th century, was significantly reduced. From then onwards,
private trade in porcelain is estimated to have been the Chinese merchants would have a quantity
less than a quarter of the official Companies’ trade.8 of undecorated porcelain in stock available
to be painted with special designs at short notice
The porcelain examples included in this catalogue by local porcelain decorators.
demonstrate that these scenes were painted mainly
in overglaze famille rose and polychrome enamels, From the mid-1730s onwards, with the develop
grisaille, sepia and gold, and sometimes a combi ment of what was later termed grisaille decoration,
nation of all of these palettes. The development the Chinese painters were provided with a further
of the so-called overglaze famille rose palette tool that enabled them to paint very fine strokes