Page 50 - A Time and A Place Catalogue, Jorge Welsh
P. 50

FIG. 25

     → about Boulton Mainwaring, the architect who            reminiscent of the landscapes by Claude Lorrain    Fig. 25
     designed the building.10 He probably supplied his        (1600-1682), and may have been placed there
     architectural plans to William Bellers (fl. 1733-1773),  in an effort to balance the Whitechapel Mount      Jean B. C. Chatelain
     a landscape artist and engraver, and author of this      on the other side.13                               (1710-1758) and William Henry
     scene according to the inscription. In fact, Boulton                                                        Toms (1700-1765) after William
     Mainwaring had been required to draw and engrave         The sales of this manipulated composition,         Bellers (fl. 1749-1773),
     a plan of the building, to be circulated among the       whereby a building yet to be erected was inserted  View of the London Hospital
     governors.11 In 1753, it is known that Bellers’ print    into a real setting, was a form of fund raising    in White Chapel Road.
     of the London Hospital was advertised at five            for the hospital’s construction and promotion      Etching with engraved
     shillings, and the contributions were to be collected    of its location. Likewise, the busy and frantic    lettering
     by William Trotter and Benjamin Gifford, secretary       movement in the street in the foreground was       London — 1753
     and steward of the London Hospital respectively,         probably a way of convincing the public that
     as well as by Bellers himself.12 The trees shown         the area, which was then considered isolated,      © Yale Center for British
     at the front of both the engraving and the punch         would be largely inhabited after the hospital      Art, Paul Mellon Collection
     bowl seem to be a compositional addition and             had been built. →

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