Page 17 - The Arts of China, By Michael Sullivan Good Book
P. 17
Preface to the Third Edition
The publishers have once again kindly allowed mc revisions and cor-
rections to make this third edition as up-to-date as possible. My
thanks are due to them, to those who have supplied me with new il-
lustrations, and above all to the scholars and students of Chinese art
whose work and whose comments on earlier editions have helped me
to improve the book. I should particularly like to thank my students
Ng Sokam and Linda Wu.
After careful consideration, I have decided for this edition to keep
to the familiar Wade-Giles romanisation of Chinese names and
words. It is still widely used and has the advantage, whatever its
faults, of being easier for English-speaking readers to pronounce than
the official Pinyin, which will be found in the Index.
Michael Sullivan
Stanford, California
December, 1982
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