Page 12 - The Arts of China, By Michael Sullivan Good Book
P. 12

149 Conjectural reconstruction of the Lin-te-tien of  167 "Lion-and-grape" mirror. Diam. 24.1 cm. Mr.
       the Ta-ming Kung, Ch'ang-an. Drawn by T. A  and Mrs. Myron S. Falk, New York, page 136
       Grccvcs, page 120
                               1 68 Ewer with dancer and dragons in relief under a
       150 Pagoda of Hsin-chiao-ssu, Ch'ang-an, Shensi,  polychrome glaze. Ht. 24.2 cm. Royal Ontario Mu-
      page no                  seum, Toronto, page 137
       1 5 1 Charger and his groom. L.  1 52 cm. University of
                               169 Jar decorated with splashed polychrome glaze. Ht.
       Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia, page 121  17.8cm. Center of Asian Art and Culture, the Avery
       1 52 Vairodana Buddha flanked by Ananda, KaSy apa,  Brundagc Collection, San Francisco, page 137
       and attendant bodhisattvas. Fcng-hsicn-ssu. Lungmcn.
                               170 Lobedbowl, Yueh ware. Diam. 19 cm. Victoria
       Honan. Photo by John Service, page 122
                              and Albert Museum, London, page 138
       153 Standing Buddha, Udayana type. Ht. 145 cm.
                               171 Vase, possibly Hsing ware. Ht. 23. 5 cm. Center of
       From Hsiu-tc Pagoda ncarCh'u-yang, Hopei. Victoria
                               Asian Art and Culture, the Avery Brundage Collec-
      and Albert Museum, London, page 122
                              tion, San Francisco, page 138
       1 54 Seated Buddha (head restored). Ht. 115 cm. From
                               172 Jar, Huang-tao ware. Ht. 14.7 cm. The Barlow
      Cave XXI, north wall. T'ien-lung-shan, Shansi. Fogg
                              Collection, Sussex University, England, page 139
       Art Museum, Cambridge, Mass., page 123
                               1 73 Camel carrying a band of musicians. Ht. about 70
       155 The sage Vimalakirti. Detail of a wall painting in
                              cm. From a tomb at Sian, Shensi. People's Republic of
      Cave 103 (P 137 M), Tunhuang, page 123
                              China, page 139
       156 The paradise of Amitabha. Detail of a wall paint-
                               174 Seated woman. Ht. about 25 cm. From a tomb at
      ing in the Kondo (Image Hall) of Horyuji, Nara, Ja-
      pan,  126               I.oyang, Honan. People's Republic of China, page 140
       157 The young Sakyamuni cuts off his hair. Landscape  175 Tomb guardian trampling on a demon. Ht. 122
      in the painterly style. Detail of a banner painting. From  cm. Center of Asian Art and Culture, the Avery Brun-
      Tunhuang. British Museum, London, page 127  dagc Collection. San Francisco, page 140
       1 58 Pilgrims and travellers in a landscape. Landscape  176 Warrior supporting funerary platform. Ht. 60cm.
      in the boneless style. Detail of wall painting in Cave  Tomb of Wang Chien. Chcngtu. Szcchwan, page 141
      217 (P 70), Tunhuang, page 128
                               177 Winged lion in the style of the Warring States pe-
       1 59 Yen Li-pcn (died 673): the Emperor Hsuan of the  riod. Ht. 21.5 cm. British Museum, London, page 143
      Ch'en Dynasty. Detail of a handscroll of thirteen em-
                               178 Seven-tiered bracket for a palace hall. Illustration
      perors from Han to Sui. Ht. 5 1 cm. Museum of Fine
                              from the Sung Dynasty architectural manual, Ying-tsao
      Arts, Boston, page 129
                              J'a-shih (1925 edition), page 144
       1 60 Female attendants. Detail of a wall painting in the
      tomb of Princess Yung-t'ai, Ch'ien-hsien, Shensi,  179 Twelve-sided pagoda of Fu-kung-ssu. Ying-
                              hsien, Shansi, page 144
      page 129
       161 Attributed to Sung Hui-tsung (1 101-1 125). Court  180 Lohan. Ht. 105 cm. From l-chou, Hopei. Metro-
      Ladies Preparing Silk. Detail of a handscroll after a  politan Museum of Art. New York, page I4J
      Tang Dynasty original. Ht. 37 cm. Museum of Fine
                              181  Interior of Lower Hua-ycn-ssu, Ta-t'ung, Shansi.
      Arts, Boston, page 130
                              Photo by the author. 1975, page 146
       162 Attributed to Han Kan (active 740-760). Night
                               182 Kuanyin. Ht. 225 cm. Nelson Gallery-Atkins
       White, a favourite horse of T'ang Ming Huang. Hand-
                              Museum, Kansas City. Mo. , page 147
      scroll. Ht. 29. 5 cm. Metropolitan Museum of Art.
      New York, page 131      183 Soul suffering the torments of hell. Stone relief
                              sculpture on a cliff at Ta-tsu. Szcchwan. page 148
      163 Style of Wang Wei (?). Riverside under Snow. Part
      of a handscroll(?). Formerly Manchu Household Col-
                              1 84 In the manner of Shih K'o (active mid-tenth cen-
      lection, page i)2       tury). Two Minds in Harmony. Part of a handscroll. Ht.
       1 64 Landscape in the linear style. Copy of wall paint-  44 cm. National Muwum, Tokyo, page 149
      ing in the tomb of I-te, Ch'icn-hsien, Shensi, page 133
                              185 Attributed to Ku Hung-chung (tenth century). A
      165 Coveredjar with swing handle, decorated with  Night Entertainment of Han Hsi-tsai. Detail of a hand-
      parrots amid peonies. Ht. 24 cm. Excavated at Ho-  scroll. Ht. 29 cm. Palace Museum, Peking, page 150
      chia-ts'un, Sian. People's Republic of China, page 134
                              186 Attributed to Li Lung-mien (c. 1040-1 106). Horse
      166 Octagonal wine cup. Ht. 6.5 cm. Excavated at  and Groom. One of five tribute horses. Detail of a hand-
      Ho-chia-ts'un, Sian. People's Republic of China,  scroll. Ht. 30. 1 cm. Formerly Manchu Household
      page 135                Collection, page 151
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