Page 13 - The Arts of China, By Michael Sullivan Good Book
P. 13
1 87 Attributed to Li Ch'cng (919-967). Buddhist Tem- 203 Vase, mei-p'ing. Ht. 25.4 cm. Formerly in the col-
ple in the Hills after Rain. Hanging scroll. Ht. 112 cm. lection of Mrs. Alfred Clark, Fulmcr. Buckingham-
Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Mo. shire, page 172
page 15)
204 Funerary pillow. Ting ware. Ht. 1 5. 3 cm. Center
188 Kuo Hsi (eleventh century). Early Spring. Hang- of Asian Art and Culture, the Avery Brundage Collec-
ing scroll dated equivalent to 1072. Ht. 158.3 cm. Na- tion, San Francisco, page 173
tional Palace Museum, Taipei, page 154
205 Bottle with copper-bound rim, Ju ware. Ht. 24.8
189 Fan K'uan (active late tenth to early eleventh cen- cm. Pcrcival David Foundation of Chinese Art, Lon-
tury). Travelling amid Mountains and Gorges. Hanging don, page 173
scroll. Ht. 206.3 cm. National Palace Museum, Taipei, 206 Pitcher. Ht. 22.9 cm. Center of Asian Art and
page 157 Culture, the Avery Brundage Collection, San Fran-
cisco, page 173
190 Chang Tse-tuan (late eleventh to early twelfth cen-
tury). Life along the River on the Eve of the Ch'ing-ming 207 Jar. Chun ware. Ht. 12.5 cm. Victoria and Albert
Festival. Detail of a handscroll. Ht. 25.5 cm. Palace Museum, London, page 174
Museum, Peking, page 159
208 Jar, Tz'u-chou ware. Ht. 20.5 cm. Center of Asian
191 Attributed to Tung Yuan (tenth century). Scenery Art and Culture, the Avery Brundage Collection, San
along the Hsiao and Hsiang Rivers. Detail of a handscroll. Francisco, page 174
Palace Museum. Peking, page 160
209 Vase, mei-p'ing, Tz'u-chou ware. Ht. 49.5 cm.
192 Attributed to Su Tung-p'o (1036-1 101). Bare Tree, From Hsiu-wu, Honan. Center of Asian Art and Cul-
Bamboo and Rocks. Handscroll. Ht. 23.4cm. Palace ture, the Avery Brundage Collection, San Francisco,
Museum, Peking, page 161 page 174
193 Mi Yu-jen (1086-1 165). Misty Landscape. Hanging 210 Bowl, Tz'u-chou ware. Diam. 9 cm. Center of
Asian Art and Culture, the Avery Brundage Collec-
scroll. Ht. 24.7 cm. Osaka Municipal Museum (former
Abe Collection), page 162 tion. San Francisco, page 175
21 1 Traveller's flask. Ht. 37. 5 cm. Private collection,
194 Sung Hui-tsung (reigned I IOI-1 125), The Vive-
Colour Parakeet. Hanging scroll. Ht. 53 cm. Museum Japan, page 175
of Fine Arts, Boston, page 164 212 Tea bowl, Fukien temmoku ware. Diam. 13 cm. Se-
ligman Collection, Arts Council of Great Britain, Lon-
195 Attributed to Huang Chu-ts'ai (933~993)- Pheas-
don, page 176
ant and Sparrows amid Rocks and Shrubs. Hanging scroll.
Ht. 99 cm. National Palace Museum. Taipei, page 166 2 1 3 Tripod incense burner, southern kuan ware. Ht.
12.9 cm. National Palace Museum. Taipei, page 177
196 Attributed to Li T'ang (c. 1050-1 130). A Myriad
Trees on Strange Peaks. Fan. Ht. 24.7 cm. National Pal- 214 Vase, Lung-ch'uan (kinuta) ware. Ht. 16.8 cm.
ace Museum. Taipei, page 166 National Palace Museum, Taipei, page 178
197 Attributed toChao Po-chii (1 120-1 182). Rocky 215 Vase, ch'ing-pai or ying-ch'ing ware. Ht. 13cm. Se-
ligman Collection, Arts Council of Great Britain. Lon-
Mountains along a River in Autumn. Detail of a hand-
don, page 178
scroll. Ht. 57 cm. Palace Museum. Peking, page 167
216 Incense burner, liu-li ware. Ht. 36 cm. Excavated
198 Ma Yuan (active 1 190-1225), On a Mountain Path
in the remains of the Yuan capital Ta-tu (Peking). Peo-
in Spring, with a poem by Yang Mei-tzu, consort of
ple's Republic of China, page 180
Ning-tsung. Album-leaf. Ht. 27.4 cm. National Palace
Museum, Taipei, page 168 2 1 7 Sketch map of the Yuan Dynasty Ta-tu compared
with Peking of Ming and Ch'ing, page t8i
199 Hsia Kuci (active 1200-1230). Pureand Remote
View of Hills and Streams. Detail of a handscroll. Ht. 2 1 8 Aerial view of the heart of Peking, page 182
46.5 cm. National Palace Museum, Taipei, page 169
219 The Three Great Halls, San Ta Tien, of the For-
200 Mu-ch'i (active mid-thirteenth century), Evening bidden City, looking south. Drawn by T. A. Greeves,
Glow on a Fishing Village, one of " Eight Views of the page 183
Hsiao and Hsiang Rivers." Detail of a handscroll. Ht.
220 Ch'icn Hsuan (c. 1235-aftcr 1301), Wang Hsi-chih
33.2 cm. Nczu Art Museum, Tokyo, page 170 Watching Geese. Detail of a handscroll. Ht. 23.2 cm.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
201 Mu-ch'i. The White-Robed Kuanyin, flanked by
page 184
crane and gibbons. Hanging scrolls. Ht. 172 cm. Dai-
tokuji, Kyoto, page 171 221 Oracle bone script, chia-ku-wen. From Anyang.
British Museum, London, page 185
202 Ch'enJung (active 1235-1260), The Nine Dragons.
Detail of a handscroll. Ht. 46 cm. Museum of Fine 222 Seal script, chuan-shu. Rubbing from one of the
Arts, Boston, page 172 Stone Drums, page 185
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