Page 9 - The Arts of China, By Michael Sullivan Good Book
P. 9
24 Major types of Shang and Chou bronze vessels. 46 Ritual vessel, hu. Ht. 60.6cm. Center of Asian Art
After Kwang-chih Chang, page 23 and Culture, the Avery Brundagc Collection, San
Francisco, page 36
25 Ritual vessel, yu. Ht. 36.5 cm. Freer Gallery of Art,
Washington, D.C., page 24 47 Ritual vessel, hu. Ht. 52 cm. People's Republic of
China, page 36
26 Ritual vessel, chia. Ht. 33 cm. Center of Asian Art
and Culture, the Avery Brundagc Collection, San 48 Ritual and funerary jades, page 37
Francisco, page 2$
49 Ritual tube, tsung. Ht. 21.5 cm. British Museum,
27 Ritual vessel, li-ho. Ht. 25.4 cm. Center of Asian London, page 38
Art and Culture, the Avery Drundage Collection, San
50 Jar. Ht. 27.5 cm. From a tomb at Pei-yao-ts'un,
Francisco, page 2$
Loyang, Honan. People's Republic of China, page 38
28 Ritual vessel, p'ou. Ht. 20.4 cm. The Scligman Col-
51 Chariot burial. Lui-li-ko, Hui-hsien, Honan,
lection, the Arts Council of Great Britain, London,
page 42
page 25
52 Mythical winged animal. L. about 40 cm. From
29 Ritual vessel, kuang. Ht. 24. 2 cm. Fogg Museum of Shih-chia-chuang, Hopei. People's Republic of China,
Art, Cambridge, Mass., page 26
30 Ritual vessel, chia. Ht. 34.2 cm. Nelson Gallery-
53 Ritual vessel, ling, with reversible cover, "Li-yu
Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Mo., page 26 style." Ht. 23.5 cm. Center of Asian Art and Culture,
3 1 Ritual vessel, ku. Ht. 33.2 cm. City Art Museum, the Avery Brundage Collection, San Francisco,
St. Louis, Mo. , page 26 page 44
32 Ritual vessel, tsun. Ht. 47 cm. Excavated at Funan, 54 Flask, pien-hu. Ht. 31.1 cm. Freer Gallery of Art,
Anhui. People's Republic of China, page 27 Washington, D.C., page 44
33 Dagger-axe, ko. L. 28 cm. From Anyang. A. Hells- 55 Ritual vessel, ting. Ht. 1 5.2 cm. Probably from
Chin-ts'un, Loyang. The Minneapolis Institute of
trdm Collection, Molndal, page 2?
Arts, page 44
34 Axe, ch'i. Ht. about 28 cm. From Yi-tu, Shantung.
People 's Republic of China, page 27 56 Harness plaques. Upper, 1. 1 1.4 cm., Freer Gallery
of Art, Washington, D.C.;lower, 1. 11.5cm., British
3 5 Knife with ibex head. L. 27. 5 cm. From Anyang,
Museum, London, page 43
page 28
57 Bell./w. Ht. 66.4 cm. Freer Gallery of Art, Wash-
36 Stone andjadc figurines. Ht. 7-9 cm. From the
ington, D.C., page 43
tomb of Fu Hao. Institute of Archaeology, Peking,
58 Bell, po. Detail of decoration on top. Freer Gallery
page 29
of Art, Washington. D C , p*g> 46
37 Axe-blade. L. 15.9cm. From Anyang. Center of
59 Rack of bells from tomb at Sui-hsien, Hupei. Ht.
Asian Art and Culture, the Avery Brundagc Collec-
tion, San Francisco, pagejo 273 cm. Hupei Provincial Museum, Wuhan, page 46
38 Chime carved with tiger design. L. 84 cm. From 60 Striking the bells. From a rubbing of a third-cen-
tury A.D. stone relief in the tomb at I-nan, Shantung,
tomb at Wu-kuan-ts'un. Anyang. People's Republic of
page 46
China, page 30
61 Ritual vessel, hu. Ht. 39.3 cm. Center of Asian Art
39 Carved bone handle. L. 15 cm. Excavated at An-
and Culture, the Avery Brundage Collection, San
yang. Acadcmia Sinica, Taipei, page 30
Francisco, page 47
40 Hoard of bronzes. Excavated at Chuang-po, Fu- 62 Belt-hook. L. 15.7cm. Fogg Art Museum, Cam-
feng, Shensi. Photo Cultural Relics Bureau, Peking.
bridge, Mass., Grenville R. Winthrop Bequest. page
page j
4 1 Tiger, one of a pair. L . 75 2 cm Freer Gallery of
63 Miniature vessels. Excavated at Ch'ang-p'ing. Peo-
Art, Washington, DC, page 33
ple's Republic of China, page 48
42 Ritual vessel, lei. Ht. 45.2 cm. From K'o-tso-hsicn,
64 Covered bowl. Ht. 16.5 cm. Probably from Shou-
Liaoning. Liaoning Provincial Museum, page 33
chou. Anhui. Honolulu Academy of Arts, page 49
43 Ritual vessel, Jang-i. Ht. 35. 1 cm. Freer Gallery of
65 Sketch of reconstructed tomb showing lining of
Art, Washington, D.C., page 35
pit. tomb chamber, and triple coffin. Ma-wang-tui,
44 Ritual vessel, yi. L. 36.5 cm. British Museum, Lon- Changsha, Hunan. Drawn by David Mcltzcr. © 1974
don, Mrs. Walter Sedgwick Bequest, page 36 National Geographic Society, page 30
45 Ritual vessel, kuei. Ht. 30.4 cm. Nelson Gallery- 66 Painted figurines from tombs at Changsha, Hunan.
Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Mo , page 36 After Kwang-chih Chang, page 30
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