Page 11 - The Arts of China, By Michael Sullivan Good Book
P. 11
107 Silk panel from Noin-Ula. Line drawing, page So 1 28 The Wei Empress in procession with court ladies.
Ht. 198 cm. Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum, Kansas
108 Jar, hu. Hr. 36.5 cm. Nelson Gallery-Atkins Mu-
City, Mo. , page 104
seum. Kansas City. Mo. . page 8t
1 29 Stele illustrating the life of the Buddha and the
109 The hunt among mountains. Relief on the shoul-
teachings of the Lotus Sutra. Ht. 156 cm. In Cave 133,
der of a pottery hu, page 81
Mai-chi-shan, Kansu. Photo by Dominique Darbois,
no Watchtower. Ht. 120 cm. Royal Ontario Mu- page 105
seum, Toronto, page 82
130 Sakyamuni and Prabhutaratna. Ht. 26 cm. Musce
1 1 1 Dog. Ht. 35.5 cm. From Changsha, Hunan. Cen- Guimet, Paris, page 105
ter of Asian Art and Culture, the Avery Brundage Col-
lection. San Francisco, page 82 131 The development of the Buddha image. After Mi-
zuno, page 106
112 Tray with figures of musicians, dancers, acrobats,
and spectators. L. 67. s cm. From a tomb at Tsinan, 132 Bodhisattva. Ht. 188 cm. University of Pennsylva-
nia Museum, Philadelphia, page 106
Shantung. People's Republic of China, page 83
113 Stand for a lamp or "coin-tree." From a tomb at 133 Minor deities and worshippers. Fragment of a
Nei-chiang, Szcchwan. People's Republic of China, stone relief from Wan-fo-ssu, Ch'iung-lai, Szcchwan.
page 83 People's Republic of China, page 107
1 14 Basin. Yiich ware. Diam. 28.8 cm. Walker Art 134 Buddha preaching the law. Wall painting in Cave
Center, Minneapolis, Minn., page 84 249 (P 101), Tunhuang, page 108
1 1 5 T'ang copy of Wang Hsi-chih text in hsing-shu. 1 3 5 The Buddha incarnate in a golden gazelle (the
Anonymous loan, the Art Museum, Princeton Uni- RuruJataka). WaD painting in Cave 257 (P 1 10), Tun-
versity. Private collection, page 89 huang. Photo by Dominique Darbois. page 109
1 16 After Ku K'ai-chih (c. 344-406). Illustration to 1 36 Landscape with fabulous beings, on lower part of
The Fairy of the Lo River. Detail of ahandscroll. Ht. 24 ceiling of Cave 249 (P 101), Tunhuang. Photo by
cm. Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., page 90 Dominique Darbois, page 109
1 17 Hunting scene. Wall painting in the Tomb of the 137 Chimera. L. 1.75 m. Nelson Gallery-Atkins Mu-
Wrestlers, T'ung-kou, Kirin, page 91 seum, Kansas City, Mo. , page tto
118 Attributed to Ku K'ai-chih. The emperor with 138 Dragon. L. 19 cm. Fogg Museum of Art, Cam-
one of his concubines. Illustration to The Admonitions bridge, Mass., page tto
of the Instructress. Detail of ahandscroll. Ht. 25 cm.
1 39 Hsi K'ang (223 -262), one of "Seven Sages of thc
British Museum. London, page 91
Bamboo Grove." Brick tomb relief, Nanking, page in
I 19 Filial sons and virtuous women of antiquity. Panel
140 Horse. Ht. 24. 1 cm. Said to be from a tomb near
from a wooden screen painted m lacquer. Ht. 81. 5 cm.
Loyang. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, page 112
From a tomb dated 4K4 at Ta-t'ung. Shansi. People's
141 Vase. Ht. 23 cm. From a tomb of 575 at Anyang,
Republic of China, page 93
Honan. People's Republic of China, page tit
1 20 The story of the filial Shun. Detail of an engraved
stone slab from a sarcophagus. Ht. 61 cm. Nelson Gal- 142 Rask. Ht. 19.5 cm. From a tomb of 575 at An-
lery-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Mo., page 94 yang, Honan. People's Republic of China, page 113
121 Sakyamuni Buddha. Ht. 39.4 cm. Center of Asian
143 Water container in the form of a lion-dog, Yiieh
Art and Culture, the Avery Brundage Collection, San
ware. L. 12. 1 cm. Center of Asian Art and Culture, the
Francisco, page 97 Avery Brundage Collection. San Francisco, page flj
122 Types of pagoda, page 98
144 "Chicken ewer," Yiich ware. Ht. 33 cm. Musce
1 23 Twelve-sided pagoda of Sung-yuch-ssu on Guimet, Paris, page 113
Mount Sung, Honan, page 98
145 Tumulus and processional way of tomb of Kao-
1 24 Mai-chi-shan. Kansu. View from the southeast. tsung (died 683) and Wu Tsc-t'icn (died 705), Ch'ien-
hsien, Shcnsi. Photo by the author. 1973, page 117
Photo by Dominique Darbois. page 99
125 Sakyamuni with attendant Buddha, perhaps Mai- 146 The main hall of Fu-kuang-ssu, Wu-t'ai-shan,
trcya. Ht. 13.7 m. Cave XX, Yiinkang, Shansi. Photo Shansi. Redrawn by P.J. Darvall from Ying-tsao hsiieh-
by the author, 1975, page too shehui-k'an, page 118
126 Interior of Cave VII, Yiinkang. Photo Mizuno 147 The Western rigid truss and the Chinese beam-
and Nagahiro, page tot frame truss compared, page 119
1 27 Buddha group, south wall of Pin-y ang-tung, 148 The development and decline of the bracket or-
Lungmcn. Photo Mizuno and Nagahiro. page 102 der, page 119
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