Page 310 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Art Nov 2013 London
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A rare cinnabar lacquer and gilt lobed saucer dish A rare mother of pearl-inlaid rectangular lacquer
16th century or earlier box and cover
The delicate dish finely gilt in the well with a scene of a scholar 15th/16th century
resting his arm on the balcony of a dwelling and gazing over a lake The cover with reddish-brown lacquer inlaid with a scene of a lady
towards another figure carrying a fan over a wooden bridge, all in a robe richly embroidered with cloud scrolls resting her cheek
within a rocky landscape and beneath a four-line poem, the scene upon her right hand and cradling a lute in her lap, the lady seated
surrounded by six full lobes each decorated in gilt with a panel beside a low table with a vase within a pine garden, all within a lobed
containing floral leafy sprays, the exterior lacquered plain red and the cartouche against a geometric ground, the four sides each with a
slightly recessed base lacquered black with two characters in red. cartouche containing a floral scroll, the box with a narrow band of
13.9cm (5½in) diam. petals within diagonal lines on the stepped base.
£6,000 - 8,000 26cm (10¼in) long (2).
HK$75,000 - 100,000 CNY59,000 - 79,000 £10,000 - 15,000
HK$120,000 - 190,000 CNY98,000 - 150,000
十六世紀或更早 紅漆描金山水人物圖蓮瓣式盤
On the dish is an inscription in gold of a poem by the early Song poet 十五/十六世紀 黑漆嵌螺鈿琵琶仕女圖長方蓋盒
Liu Han (919-990 AD), which may be translated as: The style of mother-of-pearl inlay on the present box and cover
The chicklets’ cry scatters onto the empty jade screen, points to a 15th-16th century date. Compare the cash pattern and
As I rest my head on the pillow a gust of cool wind blows. pine needle inlay in a tray, 14th/15th century, illustrated by J.M.White,
Rising from sleep the sounds of Autumn are nowhere to be heard, Masterpieces of Chinese Lacquer from the Mike Healy Collection,
Just on my steps, the wutong tree amidst bright moonlight. Honolulu, 2005, pl.8; and see also the cartouche shape on a tiered
On the base is inscribed in red lacquer two characters binwu 賓吾, box and cover, 15th/16th century, illustrated in 2000 Years of
possibly a studio name of the maker or collector. Chinese Lacquer, Hong Kong, 1993, pl.92; and see the leafy scroll
Compare the red lacquer and gilt circular box and cover, Song on the reverse of a tray, Wanli mark and period, illustrated by R.Krahl
Dynasty, illustrated in 2000 Years of Chinese Lacquer, Hong Kong, and B.Morgan, From Innovation to Conformity: Chinese Lacquer from
1993, pl.78; but see also a circular red lacquer and gilt dish, the 13th to the 16th centuries, Bluett & Sons, London, 1989, pl.32.
attributed to Ryukyu, illustrated by H.M.Garner, Ryukyu Lacquer,
London, 1972, pl.23a.