Page 80 - Art D'Asie Paris
P. 80


                                  ELEMENTS DE SELLE EN
                                  EMAUX CLOISONNES
                                  CHINE, XVIIEME SIECLE

                                  Les six éléments en émaux cloisonnés

                                  sont décorés de dragons à cinq grifes

                                  à la poursuite de la perle sacrée parmi

                                  les nuages stylisés au-dessus de

                                  vagues tumultueuses ou de hautes


                                  Largeur max. : 33.5 cm. (132 in.),

                                  montés sur un support

                                  en velours                          (6)

                                  €15,000-20,000  $17,000-22,000


                                  Formerly in a private European Arms
                                  and Armour collection, acquired in the
                                  frst half of the 20th century.

                                  SIX PIECES OF CLOISONNE
                                  ENAMEL SADDLE ORNAMENTS

                                  CHINA, 17TH CENTURY

                                  十七世紀 掐絲琺瑯雙龍趕珠紋
                                  馬鞍配件 一組六件

                                  F ine saddle ornaments were used

                                  by members of the court and they
                                  came in various materials such as
                                  lacquer or gilt copper and silver, often
                                  inlaid with gems, mother-of-pearl or
                                  jade. The current example is a fne
                                  demonstration of seventeenth century
                                  cloisonné enamel works. Another
                                  set, dated to mid Qing dynasty, with
                                  diferent motifs can be found in the
                                  collection of the Palace Museum
                                  in Shenyang (see Armaments and
                                  Military Provisions in The Complete
                                  Collection of Treasures of the Palace
                                  Museum, The Commercial Press,
                                  Hong Kong, 2008, p. 83.).

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