Page 55 - Sotheby's Part II Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 55

Narcissus bowls, also known as ‘drum nail’ basins, belong to a distinct   While there are a number of narcissus bowls with this particular
                  group of flower receptacles known as ‘numbered Jun’ wares; mostly   juxtaposition of purple and blue in major museums and prominent
                  made in moulds and generally inscribed on the base with numerals   private collections, they are rarely complemented with this beautiful
                  from one to ten that seem to inversely correspond to the size of the   depth, mesmerising gradation and intensity of the glaze as seen on
                  vessels, ‘numbered Jun’ wares with the numeral one are considered   the present bowl. Related examples include three in the Sir Percival
                  the largest. Besides the variation in sizes, these striking vessels were   David Collection in the British Museum, with numerals four, five
                  also  produced  in  a  variety  of  glaze  colours  and  patterns.  They   and  seven  (museum  nos  PDF.34,  PDF.35  and  PDF,A.56);  three
                  are much admired over the centuries by the imperial court and   in the Beijing Palace Museum, with numerals one, two and seven,
                  connoisseurs for their beautiful array of colours and intensity of the   illustrated in Selection of Jun Ware. The Palace Museum's Collection
                  glaze, which varies from an opalescent sky-blue tone to brilliant hues   and Archaeological Excavation, Beijing, 2013, pls 95, 94 and 113; four
                  of mauve and lavender.                          examples in the Taipei Palace Museum, with numerals one, two, four
                                                                  and eight, illustrated in A Panorama of Ceramics in the Collection
                  The present narcissus bowl encapsulates the essence of Jun ware   of the National Palace Museum: Chun Ware, Taipei, 1999, pls 29,
                  which derives its beauty and minimalist aesthetics from its simple yet   31, 32 and 36; another two bowls with numerals one and four, from
                  robust form and, notably, from its inimitable glaze - a thick, luminous   the Baur Collection, collection nos A47 and A48, illustrated in John
                  glaze of an alluring purple-and-blue colouration that becomes almost   Ayers,  Chinese Ceramics in The Baur Collection, vol. 1, Geneva,
                  transparent around the edges of the vessel where the glaze thins   1999, pls 19 and 20; and an example with the numeral one, from
                  significantly. The result of the pattern, tonal variations and intensity of   the Eumorfopoulos Collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum,
                  the glaze depends entirely on firing variations, making each narcissus   accession no. C.105-1939. One of the most representative groups
                  bowl a unique work of art steeped in unpredictability. No two Jun   of narcissus bowls is also preserved in the Harvard Art Museums.
                  vessels are alike and the uncertainty of the final outcome - as though   For examples sold at auction, see two bowls bearing the same
                  created by nature - plays a vital role in its desirability. Creating such   numeral five, one was formerly in the Linyushanren Collection, sold
                  a captivating and exuberant colouration, as seen on the present   at Christie’s New York, 22nd March 2018, lot 542; the other sold
                  vessel, is undoubtedly an exceptional artistic achievement, making   at Christie’s New York, 15th September 2009, lot 341. See also an
                  this narcissus bowl one of the most alluring and outstanding extant   example with the numeral six, first sold in our London rooms, 12th
                  examples of its type.                           June 2003, lot 108, and again in these rooms, 5th April 2017, lot 1107.
                                                                  Unlike other demonstrations of its kind commonly represented in
                  On the present bowl, the blue glaze on the inside is ravishingly bright   museums or private collections, the present bowl boasts a unique
                  and glossy, mirroring the blue of the sky; it is accentuated with a   colour gradient and vibrancy which constitutes a striking departure
                  wash of mottled purple, reminiscent of a spontaneous and spirited   from the Jun ware paradigm.
                  brushstroke that runs and flows uninhibited along the well. The thick
                  opalescent blue glaze is infused with the characteristic markings that
                  have become known as ‘earthworm tracks', and merges with the
                  red of the copper-bearing glaze on the outside, creating a dazzling
                  variegated purplish effect in brilliant tones of mauve, lavender and
                  plum.  The  rich,  mottled  purple  glaze  on  the  outside  subtly  and
                  gradually transmutes to a pale mushroom tone that covers the ruyi
                  feet, and all three feet are ‘beribboned’ by a band of vibrant ruby-red.
                  The base of the vessel is thoughtfully applied with an attractive olive-
                  brown wash and with a neat ring of tiny spur marks. Every part of the
                  robust vessel entices one for an intimate inspection of its timeless
                  sophistication and beauty.

         108 I FOR COMPLETE CATALOGUING  ༉းྡ፽ʫ࢙ሗᓭᚎ  SOTHEBYS.COM/HK1292                                                                                                                                           THE PERSONAL COLLECTION OF THE LATE SIR JOSEPH HOTUNG  I 109
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