Page 50 - Sotheby's Part II Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 50

           ͋   ڀ         HORSESHOE-BACK ARMCHAIR, JIAOYI,
               ૣ         LATE MING DYNASTY

               ෥         of elegant and generous proportions, the horseshoe back surmounting a plain splat flanked by cusped and beaded spandrels, the arm
               ܝ         supported on S-curved and circular-section arm posts which continue through the seat frame forming the front legs, the posts with
               ߠ         shaped spandrels and change to square-section at the crook and at the pivot of the legs, further strengthened with damascened iron
                         'bamboo-and-vase' braces between the arm and the posts, and with ruyi-shaped braces within the crook, the front seat rail detailed
               ʹ         with cusped beading, the pivoting footrest supported by short cabriole legs and mounted with damascened iron with a design of two
               ಉ         rhinoceros horns flanking a coin, each structural joins reinforced with damascened iron mounts, some with scrolling tendril design
                         71.2 by 67.2 by h. 102.8 cm

                         PROVENANCE                                      Ը๕j
                         La Compagnie de la Chine et des Indes, Paris, 10th   La Compagnie de la Chine et des Indes ᖵ఼dˋኇd1968ϋ
                         September 1968.                                 9˜10˚
                         Collection of Arthur M. Sackler, 1968-96.       ԭ๾gᒄдਔϗᔛd1968-96ϋ
                         Collection of Else Sackler, 1996-2001.          Ўဧ౶gᒄдਔϗᔛd1996-2001ϋ
                         Collection of Dr Elizabeth A. Sackler, 2001.    ͺᘆ୶ͣgᒄдਔ௹ɻϗᔛd2001ϋ
                         Christie’s New York, 20th September 2001, lot 254 and cover.  ॲߒԳɻ੻2001ϋ9˜20˚dᇜ໮254ʿ܆ࠦ
                         Nicholas Grindley, London, 2001.
                                                                         Nicholas Grindleydࡐ౱d2001ϋ
                         Michel Beurdeley, Chinese Furniture, Tokyo, New York and
                         San Francisco, 1979, p. 80, pl. 105.            Michel BeurdeleydChinese Furniture‘d؇ԯeॲߒʿ
                         ◉  HK$ 10,000,000-15,000,000
                         US$ 1,280,000-1,920,000

         98 I FOR COMPLETE CATALOGUING  ༉းྡ፽ʫ࢙ሗᓭᚎ  SOTHEBYS.COM/HK1292                                                                                                                                            THE PERSONAL COLLECTION OF THE LATE SIR JOSEPH HOTUNG  I 99
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