Page 48 - Sotheby's Part II Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 48

           ɓ ଣ ˰         AVALOKITESHVARA, ACUOYE GUANYIN,
           Ї ਷ ࠪ         DALI KINGDOM, 11TH - 12TH CENTURY

           ɤ ⺗ മ         elegantly seated in lalitasana with one leg pendant, the right hand raised in vitarka mudra, the gesture of teaching, the left arm lowered
           ɚ ږ ᔜ         in varada mudra, the gesture of bestowing wishes, displaying a regal composure and a serene facial expression, the hair neatly piled up
           ˰ ზ ̒         into a tall and elaborate crown accommodating an image of Amitabha Buddha, with long loops of plaited hair reaching the shoulders,
                         lavishly adorned with jewellery such as a headdress and armlets with three-pointed diadem design, large earrings and a bejewelled
           ߏ   ڛ ⌉       neckplate, rendered with a slender body with broad shoulders, the upper torse bare showing the graceful tautness of the figure, wearing
               ෾ ྅       a dhoti secured with a waist cloth which terminates in a bow affixed with a clasp in the form of a floral medallion, wood stand
                         h. 37.8 cm, overall 41.9 cm
                         PROVENANCE                                      Ը๕j
                         Collection of Peng Kai-dong, alias Nitta Muneichi (1912-2006),   ుฺಊ€1912-2006ϋdɦΤอ͞ಊɓϗᔛdอ͞ණᔛ
                         the Nitta Group Collection.                     ࠰ಥԳɻ੻1998ϋ4˜26˚dᇜ໮606
                         Christie's Hong Kong, 26th April 1998, lot 606.   τܠჃdॲߒd1998ϋ7˜30˚
                         R.H. Ellsworth Ltd, New York, 30th July 1998.
                         Jintong fo zaoxiang tezhan tulu / The Crucible of Compassion and
                         Wisdom: Special Exhibition Catalogue of the Buddhist Bronzes   1987ϋ
                         from the Nitta Group Collection at the National Palace Museum,   Crosscurrents: Masterpieces of East Asian Art from New York
                         National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1987.           Private Collections‘d˚͉՘ึ࿬̺ኁд؍௹ي᎜dॲߒd1999
                         Crosscurrents: Masterpieces of East Asian Art from New York   ϋ
                         Private Collections, Japan Society Gallery, in association with the   ̈وj
                         Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York, 1999.
                                                                         John Angd”The Crucible of Compassion and Wisdom•dԭ
                         Jintong fo zaoxiang tezhan tulu / The Crucible of Compassion and   ݲᖵஔ‘d1988ϋ7/8˜dࠫ91-103dྡ21
                         Wisdom: Special Exhibition Catalogue of the Buddhist Bronzes   Robert E. Fisherd”The Nitta Collection of Chinese Bronzes•d
                         from the Nitta Group Collection at the National Palace Museum,   Orientations‘d1990ϋ7˜dࠫ39-45dྡ4€ྡ˪ˀໄ
                         Taipei, 1987, cat. no. 105.                     John Guyd”The Avalokiteśvara of Yunnan and Some South
                         John Ang, 'The Crucible of Compassion and Wisdom', Arts of   East Asian ConnectionsdSouth East Asia & China: Art,
                         Asia, July-August 1988, pp. 91-103, fig. 21.
                         Robert E. Fisher, 'The Nitta Collection of Chinese Bronzes',   Interaction & Commerce. Colloquies on Art & Archaeology in
                         Orientations, July 1990, pp. 39-45, fig. 4 (illustration mirrored).   Asia‘dୋ17ಂdࡐ౱d1994ϋdࠫ64-83dྡ12
                         John Guy, 'The Avalokiteśvara of Yunnan and Some South East   Amy G. Poster ʿ Richard M. Barnhart ഃdCrosscurrents:
                         Asian Connections', South East Asia & China: Art, Interaction   Masterpieces of East Asian Art from New York Private
                         & Commerce. Colloquies on Art & Archaeology in Asia, no. 17,   Collections‘dॲߒd1999ϋdᇜ໮11
                         London, 1994, pp. 64-83, fig. 12.
                         Amy G. Poster, Richard M. Barnhart,, Crosscurrents:
                         Masterpieces of East Asian Art from New York Private Collections,
                         New York, 1999, cat. no. 11.

                         HK$ 15,000,000-20,000,000
                         US$ 1,920,000-2,550,000

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