Page 16 - Christie's Hong Kong Chinese Paintings May 28 to 29 2022
P. 16


                                 810                                     67206261  811

          810                                                811
          ANONYMOUS (17TH-18TH CENTURY)                      ANONYMOUS (17TH CENTURY)
          Bodhisattva                                        Acalanatha
          Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk             Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk
          154 x 84 cm. (60 ¬ x 33 ¿ in.)                     144 x 84 cm. (56 æ x 33 ¿ in.)
          LITERATURE:                                        LITERATURE:
          Teisuke Toda and Hiromitsu Ogawa ed., Comprehensive Illustrated   Teisuke Toda and Hiromitsu Ogawa ed., Comprehensive Illustrated
          Catalog of Chinese Paintings: Third Series Vol. 5 Japanese Collections,   Catalog of Chinese Paintings: Third Series Vol. 5 Japanese Collections,
          University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, March 2019, pp.V-304 and   University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, March 2019, pp.V-303 and
          V-433, pl. JP132-022.                              V-433, pl. JP132-020.
          HK$100,000-200,000               US$13,000-26,000  HK$80,000-120,000                 US$11,000-15,000
          清     無款       南無十二圓覺菩薩         設色絹本        立軸     明       無款       六臂明王圖          設色絹本         立軸

          出版:小川裕充•板倉聖哲編 , 《中國繪畫總合圖錄三編》第五                     出版:小川裕充•板倉聖哲編 , 《中國繪畫總合圖錄三編》第五
              卷:日本篇,東京大學出版會, 2019年3月,第V-304及                      卷:日本篇,東京大學出版會, 2019年3月,第V-303及
              V-433頁,圖版JP132-022。                                 V-433頁,圖版JP132-020。

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