Page 18 - Christie's Hong Kong Chinese Paintings May 28 to 29 2022
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814 第一冊:扉頁陳曾壽(1878-1949) 題識:篝香勘碑圖。庚午(1930
A 14TH-CENTURY RUBBING 年)夏四月 ,穀孫(蔣祖貽)仁兄雅屬。陳曾壽。
Li Dan’s Standard Script Calligraphy from the Shunling Stele 鈐印一方
A set of four albums totalling two hundred and ninety-three 題跋:翁方綱(1733-1818):(文不錄)庚申(1920年)
leaves, ink rubbing on paper 五月廿六日。。。方綱又識。
Each leaf measures approx. 23.5 x 15.2 cm (9 º x 6 Ω in.) 鈐印:覃溪審定、蘇齋
First album: frontispiece with a painting by Chen Zhenshou (1878- 孫星衍(1753-1818):(文不錄)孫星衍書。
1949), dated gengwu year (1930) and dedicated to Zhang Zuyi 鈐印:孫氏伯淵
(19th-20th Century); followed by three colophons: two by Weng 第三冊:褚德彝題跋:(文不錄) 歲在柔兆彊梧夏六月中沐餘杭褚德
Fanggang (1733-1818), with two seals; and one by Sun Xingyan 彝記。
(1753-1818), with one seal 鈐印:松窗、褚德彝印
Third album: colophon by Zhu Deyi (1871-1942), with two seals
Fourth album: three colophons: one by Weng Fanggang, with two 第四冊:題跋:翁方綱:(文不錄)嘉慶五年(1800年)歲在庚申
seals; one by He Zhuo (1661-1722) and one by Liu Zhixi (1900- 夏五月廿有七日,北平翁方綱。
1937), with two seals 鈐印:方綱、覃溪
A total of thirty-three collectors’ seals, including seven of Zhu 何焯(1661-1722):(文不錄)康熙丙戌(1706年)
Zhichi (17th Century), ten of Zha Ying (18th Century), five of 秋日,焯記。
Weng Fanggang, three of Liu Zhixi, three of Tan Jing (19th-20th 劉之泗(1900-1937):(文不錄)貴池劉之泗識于
PROVENANCE: 藏印:朱之赤(17世紀):朱之赤鑒賞(二次)、臥菴所藏、休甯朱
Lot 320, 25 April 2004, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and 之赤珍藏圖書,朱臥菴收藏印(二次)、
Calligraphy, Christie’s Hong Kong. 平生一片心
NOTE: 查瑩(18世紀):映山珍藏、映山珍賞、查瑩之印、韞輝、
The Shuling stele was written by Li Dan, emperor Ruizhong of 映山鑒賞、查瑩、映山、竹南草堂珍藏書畫
the Tang before he ascended to the throne. It was an epitaph for 印、查氏映山、觀紗齋作
Lady Yang, the mother of Empress Wu. During the Jiajing period 翁方綱(1733-1818):翁方綱賞觀(二次)、覃溪審定、蘇
of the Ming, the stele was broken after an earthquake. The prefect 齋、覃溪
of Shaanxi, where the stele was situated, used the broken pieces 劉之泗(1900-1937):之泗經眼、劉之泗、公魯
of the stele to build a riverbank and only two pieces of the stele 譚敬(19-20世紀):區齋珍藏、和菴父、粵人譚敬印
remain, containing just over two hundred words. This extremely 其他:呂茲所得石刻舊拓本、白紵山人、秋海棠盦讀碑記、
rare rubbing of the early Ming was taken before the stele broke and 辟支草堂尊者、慧燁堂
contains the full text with over three thousand words. Its provenance 來源:香港佳士得,中國古代書畫,2004年4月25日,編號318。
is also impeccable, having been in the collections of Zhu Zhichi,
Zha Ying, Sun Xingyan, Jiang Zuyi, Tan Jing, and containing 註: 順陵碑乃唐睿宗李旦即位前任相王時,為武則天母楊氏所
colophons by He Zhuo, Wen Fanggang, Zhu Deyi, Liu Zhixi. 書。碑原於陝西省咸陽縣,明嘉靖年間地震碑碎。當時縣令
HK$400,000-600,000 US$52,000-77,000 乃明初碑石尚未碎時所拓,存字三千餘;詢希世之珍也。朱
明 拓 本 李 旦 《 順 陵 碑 》 墨 拓 紙 本 四 冊 頁 共 二 百 九 十 三 開 衍、翁方綱、褚德彝、劉之泗等題。