Page 19 - Christie's Hong Kong Chinese Paintings May 28 to 29 2022
P. 19
815 藏印:冒襄(1611-1693):巢民冒襄印、水繪菴珍藏
A 12TH-CENTURY RUBBING 宋葆淳(1748-1818):宋葆淳印
Wang Xizhi’s Small Standard Script Calligraphy of the 伊念曾(1790-1861):伊念曾印
Huangting Sutra 何昆玉(19世紀):何昆玉印
Album of eight leaves, ink rubbing on paper 寶、三十二蘭亭室金石書畫
Each leaf measures 26 x 13 cm (10 x 5 ¿ in.) 其他:真賞、平爰過眼(於裱邊)
Twelve collectors’ seals, including two of Mao Xiang (1611-1693),
one each of Song Baochun (1748-1818), Yi Nianzeng (1790-1861), 宋葆淳題引首:董香光云:黃庭皆七字成文,惟此獨異他本,信希
He Kunyu (19th Century), and five of Liu Shujun 世之珍,墨池放光者也。此拓香光之推重如此,非
Frontispiece by Song Baochun 今日矣。然此宋拓尤非易得,他本作修太平,此作
Colophon by Zhao Huaiyu (1747-1823) 心太平。陸放翁有心太平庵,當是用經語名也。漫
Titleslip by Yi Nianzeng, with one seal 識於此。阝卷陬宋葆淳。
Lot 318, 25 April 2004, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and 趙懷玉(1747-1823)題跋並鈐印一方。
Calligraphy, Christie’s Hong Kong. 伊念曾題簽: 宋搨黃庭經。庚辰(1820)重裝京師,甯化伊念曾藏。
NOTE: 鈐印:伊念曾印
The Huangting sutra is reputed to be written by Wang Xizhi, and
extremely high accolade given to its calligraphy by Sun Guoting. 來源:香港佳士得,中國古代書畫,2004年4月25日,編號318。
This rubbing is certainly of age, and has excellent provenance, 註: 《黃庭經》相傳乃王羲之所書。孫過庭評為“怡懌虛無之
having been in the collections of Mao Xiang, Yi Nianzeng, He 致”,可謂深知此帖書法之神妙。此本拓墨黝古,神彩奕
Kunyu, and Song Baochun. 奕,曾為冒辟彊、伊念曾、何昆玉、宋葆淳等人收藏。
HK$600,000-800,000 US$77,000-100,000
宋拓本 王羲之《黃庭經》 墨拓紙本 冊頁八開