Page 45 - Christie's London May 14, 2019 Chinese Works of Art
P. 45

          A PURPLISH-BLUE CARVED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE           清1730-1770年 藍玻璃雕仿古夔龍紋鼻煙壺
          The semi-translucent glass is carved on each side with four intertwined kui
          dragons forming the character long (`dragon'), all between mask and ring
          handles on the narrow sides.
          2¼ in. (5.7 cm.) high                               來源:
          £6,000-10,000                         US$7,900-13,000  Gerd Lester, 1986年
          Gerd Lester, 1986.                                  第四部分》,拍品66
          Snuf Bottles from the Mary and George Bloch Collection: Part IV; Bonhams   貴族私人珍藏
          Hong Kong, 28 November 2011, lot 66.
          Property from a Princely Collection.
          EXHIBITED:                                          出版:
          Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Chinese Snuf Bottles – A Miniature
          Art from the Collection of Mary and George Bloch,  March- June 1994   Robert Kleiner, Boda Yang, Clarence F. Shangraw
          Singapore, National Museum of Singapore, Chinese Snuf Bottles: A Miniature
          Art From The Collection Of Mary and George Bloch, November 1994 - February   著, 《Chinese Snuff Bottles: A Miniature Art from the
          1995.                                               Collection of George and Mary Bloch》, 香港, 1994年, 編
                                                              號 75.
          Robert Kleiner, Boda Yang, and Clarence F. Shangraw, Chinese Snuf Bottles: A
          Miniature Art from the Collection of George and Mary Bloch, Hong Kong, 1994,   Hugh Moss, Victor Graham 及 Ka Bo Tsang著, 《A
          no. 75.                                             Treasury of Chinese Snuff Bottles: The Mary and George
          Hugh Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese Snuf   Bloch Collection》, 5冊, 香港, 1995年, 編號 826.
          Bottles: The Mary and George Bloch Collection, vol. 5, Hong Kong, 1995, no.

                                                              香港藝術館,「Chinese Snuff Bottles: A Miniature Art
                                                              From The Collection Of Mary and George Bloch」, 1994年3
                                                              新加坡國家美術館, 「Chinese Snuff Bottles – A
                                                              Miniature Art from the Collection of Mary and George
                                                              Bloch」, 1994年11月至1995年2月

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