Page 49 - Christie's London May 14, 2019 Chinese Works of Art
P. 49

*100                                                *101
          JAPAN, 1854-1930, PROBABLY TSUDA, SOKAN, 1868-1934  HUNG CHONG, GUANGZHOU OR SHANGHAI, 1890-1920
          The bottle is in the shape of a butterfy and is decorated in shell and silver and   The coin is cast with the verso and recto of a Guangxu coin, inscribed in
          gold foil on each side on a black lacquer ground.   Chinese on one side with `Guangxu tongbao' (`Guangxu currency'), and in
          2¼ in. (5.7 cm.) high, pearl stopper                Manchu on the other naming the Guangdong mint, all supported on a tall foot
                                                              decorated with foral scroll. The foot is stamped with two seals, reading xingfa
          £2,000-3,000                          US$2,700-3,900
                                                              (`prosperity'), and the Roman letters `HC'.
                                                              2⅛ in. (5.5 cm.) high, glass stopper
                                                              £2,000-3,000                          US$2,700-3,900
          Sotheby's London, 7 June 1990, lot 377.
          Sotheby's Hong Kong, 29 April 1992, lot 462.
          Snuf Bottles from the Mary and George Bloch Collection: Part IV; Bonhams   PROVENANCE:
          Hong Kong, 28 November 2011, lot 147.               Sotheby's London, 5 December 1983, lot 141.
          Property from a Princely Collection.                Sotheby's London, 6 December 1994, lot 188.
                                                              With Robert Hall, circa 1995.
                                                              Snuf Bottles from the Mary and George Bloch Collection: Part IV; Bonhams
          Hugh Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese Snuf
                                                              Hong Kong, 28 November 2011, lot 122.
          Bottles. The Mary and George Bloch Collection, Volume 7, Hong Kong, 2009,
                                                              Property from a Princely Collection.
          no. 1707
                                                              Journal of the International Chinese Snuf Bottle Society, Spring 1998, p. 9.
          黑漆嵌螺鈿蝶形鼻煙壺                                          Hugh Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese Snuf
                                                              Bottles. The Mary and George Bloch Collection, Volume 7, Hong Kong, 2009,
          日本, 1854–1930年, 擬津田宗貫, 1868–1934年                   no. 1629

          來源:                                                 銀鑄錢幣形鼻煙壺
          倫敦蘇富比1990年6月7日, 拍品 377                              恒昌號, 廣州或上海, 1890至1920年
          香港蘇富比1992年4月29日, 拍品 462
          香港邦瀚斯,2011年11月28日《瑪麗與莊智博鼻煙壺珍藏: 第四                   來源:
          部分》,拍品147                                           倫敦蘇富比1983年12月5日, 拍品 141
          貴族私人珍藏                                              倫敦蘇富比1994年12月6日, 拍品 188

                                                              Robert Hall, 約 1995年
          出版:                                                 香港邦瀚斯,2011年11月28日《瑪麗與莊智博鼻煙壺珍藏: 第四
          Hugh Moss, Victor Graham 及 Ka Bo Tsang著,《 A Treasury of   部分》,拍品122
          Chinese Snuff Bottles. The Mary and George Bloch Collection》, 7  貴族私人珍藏
          冊, 香港, 2009年, 編號 1707

                                                              《國際中國鼻煙壺協會的學術期刊》, 1998年春期, 頁 9
                                                              Hugh Moss, Victor Graham 及 Ka Bo Tsang著, 《A Treasury of
                                                              Chinese Snuff Bottles. The Mary and George Bloch Collection》, 7
                                                              冊, 香港, 2009年, 編號1629
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