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(104, mark)                                             *104
                                                                   A BLUE AND IRON-RED-ENAMELLED COPPER AND GILT
                                                                   SNUFF DISH
                                                                   QIANLONG FOUR-CHARACTER MARK IN BLUE ENAMEL AND
                                                                   OF THE PERIOD, 1770-1799, IMPERIAL PALACE WORKSHOPS,
                                                                   The small dish is raised on a circular foot, and is fnely enamelled in
                                                                   blue, white and iron-red and gold details with a garden scene.
                                                                   1¾ in. (4.37 cm.) diam.
                                     104                           £6,000-10,000                   US$7,900-13,000
          *103                                                     PROVENANCE:
                                                                   With Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., 1987.
          QING DYNASTY, 1710-1760                                  Snuf Bottles from the Mary and George Bloch Collection: Part IV;
                                                                   Bonhams Hong Kong, 28 November 2011, lot 144.
          The opaque turquoise glass bottle is carved on either side with    Property from a Princely Collection.
          a concave circular panel.
          1¾ in. (4.6 cm.) high                                    EXHIBITED:
                                                                   London, British Museum, Chinese snuf bottles from the Mary and
          £6,000-10,000                             US$7,900-13,000
                                                                   George Bloch Collection, 21 June – 15 October 1995
                                                                   Jesuralem, Israel Museum, A Whif of Luxury: Chinese Snuf Bottles
                                                                   from the Collection of Mary and George Bloch, 4 August 1997 - 30
                                                                   August 1997.
          Hugh M. Moss Ltd., Hong Kong, 1985
          Snuf Bottles from the Mary and George Bloch Collection: Part IV; Bonhams Hong
          Kong, 28 November 2011, lot 68.
                                                                   R. Kleiner, Chinese Snuf Bottles from the Collection of Mary and
          Property from a Princely Collection.
                                                                   George Bloch, London, 1995, no. 22.
                                                                   Hugh Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese
                                                                   Snuf Bottles: The Mary and George Bloch Collection, vol. 6, Hong
          London, British Museum, Chinese snuf bottles from the Mary and George Bloch
                                                                   Kong, 1995, no. 110.
          Collection, 21 June – 15 October 1995
          Jesuralem, Israel Museum, A Whif of Luxury: Chinese Snuf Bottles from the
          Collection of Mary and George Bloch, 4 August 1997 - 30 August 1997.
                                                                   清乾隆1770-1799年 銅胎畫礬紅及藍彩亭台樓閣圖
          LITERATURE:                                              煙碟 藍彩「乾隆年製」楷書款
          R. Kleiner, Chinese Snuf Bottles from the Collection of Mary and George Bloch, British
          Museum Press, 1995, no. 134.                             北京宮廷造辦處御製品
          Hugh Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese Snuf Bottles: The
          Mary and George Bloch Collection, vol. 5, Hong Kong, 1995, no. 786.   來源:

          清1710-1760年 孔雀綠玻璃鼻煙壺                                     Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., 1987年
          來源:                                                      壺珍藏: 第四部分》,拍品144
          Hugh M. Moss Ltd., Hong Kong ,1985                       貴族私人珍藏
          香港邦瀚斯,2011年11月28日《瑪麗與莊智博鼻煙壺珍藏: 第四部
          分》,拍品68                                                  出版:
          貴族私人珍藏                                                   Robert Kleiner著, 《Chinese Snuff Bottles from the
          出版:                                                      Collection of Mary and George Bloch》1995年, 編號22
          Robert Kleiner著, 《 Chinese Snuff Bottles from the Collection of   Hugh Moss, Victor Graham 及 Ka Bo Tsang著, 《A
          Mary and George Bloch》, British Museum Press, 1995年, 編號134   Treasury of Chinese Snuff Bottles: The Mary and George
          Hugh Moss, Victor Graham 及Ka Bo Tsang著, 《 A Treasury of   Bloch Collection》, 6冊, 香港, 1995年, 編號1110
          Chinese Snuff Bottles: The Mary and George Bloch Collection》, 5冊,
          香港, 1995年, 編號786                                         展覽:
          展覽:                                                      大英博物館, 倫敦,「Chinese snuff bottles from the
          大英博物館, 倫敦,「Chinese snuff bottles from the Mary and George   Mary and George Bloch Collection」,1995年6月至10月
          Bloch Collection」,1995年6月至10月                            以色列博物館, 耶路撒冷,「A Whiff of Luxury:
          以色列博物館, 耶路撒冷,「A Whiff of Luxury: Chinese Snuff Bottles   Chinese Snuff Bottles from the Collection of Mary
          from the Collection of Mary and George Bloch」, 1997年7月至11月  and George Bloch」, 1997年7月至11月

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