Page 142 - Sotheby's Arcadian beauty Song Pottery Oct. 3, 2018
P. 142


           AN EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE                        宋      玉臥牛
           AND RARE INSCRIBED JADE                         《丙寅仲春》、《御題》款

           FIGURE OF A BUFFALO                             「乾隆宸翰」、「信天主人」印
           SONG DYNASTY, THE                             來源:

           INSCRIPTION DATED TO                          Natasha du Breuil (1891-1966年)收藏,1930-40年代蒐集於
           THE BINGYIN YEAR OF THE                       倫敦佳士得2003年11月11日,編號65

           ACCORDANCE WITH 1746)

           miniminally worked to conform to the natural contours of
           the impressively substantial boulder, depicting a recumbent
           buffalo with its head turned to its left to face backwards and
           a tail tucked under its hind leg, the beast marked with subtle
           rounded outlines forming the muscular body and further
           rendered with a pair of small furled ears and long curved
           horns, the underside of the boulder incised and filled in with
           gilt with a fourteen-character inscription translating as ‘The
           spirit of Chou (buffalo) provides the foundation for food,
           brings joy to tens of thousands of people, and forms the
           basis of the harvest year by year’, dated to the bingyin year
           of the Qianlong reign (in accordance with 1746) and followed
           by two seal marks reading Qianlong chenhan (‘the Qianlong
           Emperor’s literary and artistic work’) and Xintian Zhuren
           (‘ruler who believes in Heaven’), the variegated yellowish-
           celadon stone extensively mottled with reddish-brown and
           black patches
           40 cm, 15¾ in.
           Collection of Natasha du Breuil (1891-1966), assembled in
           Beijing and Tianjin in the 1930s and 1940s, and thence by
           Christie’s London, 11th November 2003, lot 65.

           HK$ 15,000,000-20,000,000
           US$ 1,920,000-2,550,000

           140     SOTHEBY’S  蘇富比
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