Page 259 - Bonhams Passkon and Philanthropy MET Mjuseum March 2024 Asia Week
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           AN ARCHAISTIC JADE VASE & A JADE TIGER            Provenance:
           Late Qing Dynasty                                 Yamanaka & Company, New York
           The vase of flattened pear shape rising from the short foot to a long   Gift of Samuel T. Peters, 1913
           flaring neck with a pair of square handles, the mouth rim incised with   The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1913-present
           a band of keyfret pattern, the sides carved with a cartouche of chi
           dragon, the gray stone polished smooth and stained black in areas;   來源:
           the tiger in a recumbent pose facing forward, the rounded head with   紐約山中商會
           large eyes and thick brows, ears back with a grim on the face, the   Samuel T. Peters 1913 年贈
           tail raised and curled in an ‘S’ shape, the stone highly polished and   大都會藝術博物館,1913 年迄今
           mottled gray and green in areas. (2)
           Vase: 7 1/2in (19.1cm) high;                      The present vase compares closely to the jade fanghu in the Brundage
           Tiger: 4 7/8in (12.4cm) long                      Collection, with similar profile and proportion, the stone surface and
                                                             vein lines also stained black to enhance the appearance of antiquity,
           $900 - 1,200                                      illustrated by Knight, Li and Tse Bartholomew, Chinese Jades: Ming
                                                             Dynasty to Early Twentieth Century, from the Asian Art Museum of San
           清末 灰玉開光仿古魑龍紋雙耳瓶 灰玉仿古瑞虎 共兩件                        Francisco, San Francisco, 2007, p. 158, no. 140, attributed to the late
                                                             18th-early 19th century.
           Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價
                                                             A jade carving of Qilin of closely related form and style, in the collection
                                                             of the British Museum, is illustrated on the museum’s website, number
                                                             1981.1005.5.a, attributed to Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century.

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