Page 16 - Sotheby's Chinese Jades Hong Kong June 1, 2017
P. 16
A PALE CELADON JADE ‘MOUNTAIN’ 清十八世紀 青白玉雕福山壽海雙龍筆擱
QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY 明清兩朝士大夫之審美意趣,由此青白玉雅玩可見一斑;
carved in the form of jagged rock formation emerging from a 清賞之物。相類青白玉筆山,有稍大者,屬北京故宮博物
wavy sea, a dragon striding sinuously around the highest peak 院雅藏,圖見《故宮博物院藏品大系.玉器編》,卷9:
reaching for ‘flaming pearl’, a smaller makara depicted surging 清,北京,2011年,圖版64,及後頁一例盤螭龍三峰筆
from the sea below, wood stand 山,圖版66;另有一例,售於紐約蘇富比2015年3月21
12 cm, 4¾ in. 日,編號692。
HK$ 100,000-150,000
US$ 12,900-19,400
This elegant piece exemplifies the aesthetic taste of scholar-
officials of the Ming and Qing dynasties, who sought objects
for their studio that had a variety of functions, such as
brushrests and paperweights, as well as being works of art in
their own right. A slightly larger carving of this theme, in the
Palace Museum, Beijing, is illustrated in The Compendium of
Collections in the Palace Museum. Jade, vol. 9, Qing Dynasty,
Beijing, 2011, pl.64, together with one modelled as three peaks
with chilong, pl. 66; and another was sold in our New York
rooms, 21st March 2015, lot 692.
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