Page 266 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 266

The enamel-on-biscuit box (lot 3062) has a more traditional   PROPERTY FROM THE GENGDU SHUWU COLLECTION
         court style that recalls the four Wang masters of the early Qing   耕讀書屋珍藏
         period, specifically that of Wang Hui (fig. 5). Painting directly   3062
         on unglazed porcelain body with its porous surface creates an
         effect even closer to that of ink paintings.      A RARE GRISAILLE ON BISCUIT ‘RIVER
                                                           LANDSCAPE’ SEAL PASTE BOX AND COVER
         一件素胎印泥盒(拍品3062)上的山水,有清初四王的宮                       YONGZHENG SIX-CHARACTER MARK IN BLACK ENAMEL AND OF THE
         廷畫風,如王翬的重江叠嶂圖(圖五)。直接在素胎上上                         PERIOD (1723-1735)
         彩,因為胎上的細孔使得墨彩自然暈染,整體效果更像在                         Of square form with canted corners, the cover is painted in grisaille
         紙上作畫。                                             enamels onto the biscuit surface depicting a fisherman upon a sampan
                                                           in a mountainous riverscape. All four sides are decorated with a
                                                           continuous landscape scene depicting another fisherman
                                                           and a scholar on the riverside amidst pavilions nestled among a tree-
                                                           lined mountainous backdrop.
                                                           3¿ in. (8 cm.) wide
                                                           HK$200,000-300,000               US$26,000-39,000

                                                           B. de Lavergne, Paris (according to label)
                                                           Compare the current lot to a closely related unmarked box and cover
                                                           dating to the Qing dynasty from the Grandidier Collection now in the
                                                           Guimet Museum, Paris, also illustrated in Daisy Lion-Goldschmidt, La
                                                           porcelaine Ming, 1978. fig. 87. The similarly shaped Grandidier example
                                                           is also decorated with river landscape scenes on the top and sides of the
                                                           box, reminiscent of Chinese classical paintings.

                                                           清雍正   墨彩垂釣圖印泥盒   三行六字楷書款
                                       fig. 5  Wuyi Mountains,
                                       Wang Hui, Qing Dynasty,    來源
                                       Collection of the
                                       Shanghai Museum     B. de Lavergne,巴黎(據標籤)
                                       圖五  清   王翬《武夷叠嶂
                                       圖》上海博物館藏品           比較一件 Ernest Grandider 珍藏的類似蓋盒,同繪
         The use of cobalt blue on porcelain to create the effect of   巴黎吉美博物館,見Daisy Lion-Goldschmidt著《La
         brushwork has a long history. Blue and white porcelain is   porcelaine Ming》,1978 年,圖版 87 號。
         perhaps  the  closest  in  affinity  to  ink  paintings  amongst  all
         ceramic art, and no one is quite as adapt at it as Wang Bu when                        3062 (mark)
         it comes to bird and flower, with his meticulous brushwork
         taking inspiration from Southern Song court paintings. The   PROPERTY FROM THE GENGDU SHUWU COLLECTION
         small vase painted with birds (lot 3063) reminds one of   耕讀書屋珍藏
         Huizong emperor’s Partridges (fig. 6).
         用青料作畫以表現水墨質感                                      A SMALL BLUE AND WHITE VASE
         由來已久,青花瓷更是衆多                                      REPUBLIC PERIOD, PAINTED BY WANG BU (1898-1968)
         (拍品3063)。青花陶藝家                                    The vase is delicately potted with a stout base rising to a narrow
         中,就屬王步最擅長工筆花                                      neck, all supported on a short splayed foot. The exterior is exquisitely
         鳥,筆觸細膩,師法南宋院                                      painted in typical pencilled style with two birds, one perched on a
         畫。這件瓷器上的鳥,頗得                                      branch and the other in mid-flight.
         宋徽宗鷓鴣圖(圖六)的趣                                      6Æ in. (17 cm.) high
         味。                                                HK$200,000-300,000               US$26,000-39,000

                                                           The use of cobalt blue on porcelain to create the effect of brushwork has
                                                           a long history. Blue and white porcelain is perhaps the closest in affinity to
                                                           ink paintings amongst all ceramic art, and no one is quite as adapt at it as
                                                           Wang Bu when it comes to bird and flower, with his meticulous brushwork
                                                           taking inspiration from Southern Song court paintings. The small vase
               fig. 6  Partridges, Zhao Ji,                painted with birds reminds one of Huizong emperor’s Partridge.
               Southern Song Dynasty,
         Collection of the Nanjing Museum
               圖六  宋   趙佶《鷓鴣圖》                             民國   王步繪花鳥圖瓶

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