Page 268 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
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                                                           of classical Chinese texts was pre-requisite for the Japanese ruling
                                                           class, but the Hosokawa family continued this tradition well after
                                                           the Meiji Restoration. The Kyoto school follows the methodology
                                                           of Kaojuxue (evidential scholarship) established by Qianlong/Jiaqing
                                                           scholars such as Dai Zhen (1724-1777) and Hui Dong (1697-
                                                           1758) in emphasizing careful textual study and critical thinking.
                                                           This training greatly influenced Morisada’s political career. As the
                                                           executive secretary of the prime minister, he was very critical of the
                                                           expansionist policy of the then government much to his own risk.
                                                           After 1945, Morisada retired from politics and returned home to
                                                           take over as director of Eisei Bunko (fig. 4), the family museum
                                                           set up by his father Moritatsu, and also assumed chairmanship of
                                                           Nihon Kogeikai (Japanese Arts and Crafts Association). The seed
                         fig. 1  Kumamoto Castle           cultivated by the Kyoto school in his youth started to grow during
                             圖一   熊本城
                                                           this time, and his love for Chinese culture and art led him to collect
         The Hosokawa family is an important family both in politics and   Chinese paintings, calligraphy and antiques. His training in Kaojuxue
         arts in the Higo Kumamoto Domain on Kyushu Island, residing in   also influenced his collecting, as he was critical of the opinions
         the Kumamoto Castle (fig.1) for 240 years (1632-1871). The family’s   of authority on authenticity, preferring to study and research
         initial collecting interests, as with most of the collections of daimyo   thoroughly himself before coming to a conclusion. In 1946, the
         (feudal lords) families of that period, encompassed a wide variety   painter Ueda Tangai, a friend of Kano Naoki, introduced him to a
         of art works such as Japanese tea ceremony utensils, Buddhist art,   painting dealership Kōsetsu-ken, where he made his first purchase,
         Japanese paintings and swords.  As early as the beginning of 19th   acquiring a landscape scroll by Shen Zhou and a calligraphy scroll
         century, however, it is recorded that the 10th head of the family,   by Zhu Yunming. Later, he became acquainted with Hirota Fukosai
         Hosokawa Narishige (1755-1835) (fig.2) purchased a series of over   of Kochukyo, under whose tutelage he began collecting scholar’s
         100 Chinese paintings. This is the earliest recorded account of the   objects.
         family’s long history of collecting Chinese art.
                                                           Morisada identifies himself as a literati scholar, and his collecting
         After the collapse of the Tokugawa shogunate, many great families   ethos is very much in keeping with the literati taste of qingqu (delight
         started selling their heirloom treasures collected over the centuries   in purity). It emphasizes the purity of beauty through the five senses
         in order to survive. According to Takahashi Soan (1861-1937), a   that is informed by academic study and life experiences, beauty that
         successful businessman and Japanese tea ceremony practitioner, only   is not vulgar or morbid, with an inherent robustness. He compares
         four families were able to avoid this fate, Hosokawa being one of
         them. Through entrepreneurship and astute investments in property   the Chinese scholar’s aesthetics to ‘burgeoning young leaf buds in
         and modern industry, the family managed to prosper in the Meiji   spring’, in contrast to that of Japanese aesthetics which inclines to
         period and amassed a great fortune by the Taisho period. It was   ‘frail and perishing beauty of a withered field at sunset’. Morisada is a
         then that the 16th head of the family, Hosokawa Moritatsu (1883-  great example of a literati collector, in that his aesthetic appreciation
         1970), began to diversify the family collection to include other Asian   corresponds to the integrity of his outlook on life. In politics, he
         works of art. His enthusiasm in art and culture was exemplified by   took action in difficult political situations in the spirit of a Chinese
         his financial support in major archaeology research. He became   literati. In collecting, he seeks out works of art and objects that reflect
         known as a Han specialist and was welcomed by scholars, and art   this same unyielding spirit.
         dealers in Europe, where he acquired masterpieces of Chinese art. He
         also helped to formulate the policy on art and cultural heritage in   Hosokawa Morisada’s collection has been exhibited multiple times in
         modern Japan.                                     the Kumamoto Prefecture Museum and Eisei Bunko, and published
                                                           in numerous catalogues, making these museums important locations
         Moritatsu’s son, the 17th head of the family, Hosokawa Morisada   for exhibiting Chinese art in Japan. Christie’s is honoured to be
         (1912-2005) (fig. 3), was a student of renowned Kyoto-school   entrusted with the sale of thirteen Chinese classical paintings and
         sinologist Kano Naoki (1868-1947). In pre-modern Japan, the study   calligraphy, and nineteen lots of works of art.

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