Page 273 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 273


               A TIANHUANG SEAL                                  清康熙   田黃瑞獸鈕御賜香山洛社款田黃印
               KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)                         展覽
               The oval seal is surmounted by a mythical beast playing with   熊本縣立美術館,熊本,《第十一回永青文庫展 明清の
               its young. The seal face is carved in relief with a two-character   美術と工芸》,1981 年 9 月 12 日 -10 月 18 日,圖錄圖版
               inscription in a horizontal line reading yuci, ‘imperially bestowed’,   96-2 號
               above a four-character inscription Xiangshang Luoshe, flanked by   熊本縣立美術館,熊本,《高雅な文人の世界:明清の絵画
               a pair of chilong.                                と書跡文房具》,1992 年 10 月 9 日 -11 月 8 日,圖錄圖版
               1—/”ÿ in. (4 cm.) high, 57g, box
                                                                 70 號
               HK$400,000-600,000              US$52,000-78,000
                                                                 香港佳士得 2016 年 6 月 1 日曾拍賣董滄門刻恭親王龍鳳田黃對章,其一
               EXHIBITED                                         之印文為「御賜為國藩輔」印,印面作朱文雙螭中拱護「御賜」二字,
               Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art, Kumamoto, Daijuikkai   中間四方刻白文「為國藩輔」四字,格式與此印文相同。據《康熙起居
               Eisei Bunko ten, Min Shin no Bijutsu to Kougei, 12 September – 18   注》記載,康熙三十八年(1699)南巡時,曾賜李宗孔「香山洛社」四
               October 1981, Catalogue no. 96-2                  大字御書。李宗孔(1629-1689), 清初官員、學者。好收藏,其書畫珍
               Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art, Kumamoto, Kōga   藏尤其豐富,僅關仝的《秋山晚翠圖》上,便有李宗孔的印鑒四枚。
               na bunjin no sekai : Min Shin no kaiga to shoseki bunbōgu I (The
               Exhibition of Hosokawa Morisada Collection), 9 October-8
               November 1992, Catalogue no. 70
               The inscription on the present seal comprises two parts: a two-character
               inscription on the top carved in a horizontal line above an inscription in
               vertical line below, flanked by a pair of chilong, which is consistent with the
               standard format of seal inscriptions with imperial origin, such as the seal
               impression on one of the seals on the pair of Prince Kung tianhuang seals
               sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 June 2016, lot 3205.
               Xiangshang Luoshe is a phrase used to praise one’s literary talent.
               According to the Imperial Diary of the Emperor Kangxi, on his Third
               Southern Expedition, the Emperor wrote a calligraphy bearing this phrase
               for the scholar-official Li Zongkong (1620-1689).
                                                                             seal face       impression
                                                                               印面               印文

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