Page 304 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 304

seal face                                     impression
                                印面                                              印文


         AN IMPORTANT IMPERIAL PALE                        清順治   御製青玉龍鈕「直皇后」玉寳
         CELADON JADE ‘DRAGON’ SEAL                        來源

         SHUNZHI PERIOD (1644-1661)                        George Sheppard Murray 爵士(1928 年卒)舊藏,其曾任新加
         The square seal is surmounted by a crouching dragon on its four   坡有利銀行常務董事,此璽約於 1900 年入藏,後於家族傳承
         legs and its tail coiled behind. The seal face is carved in relief   至今(傳)
         with a four-character inscription Zhi Huanghou bao (Treasure of   Woolley & Wallis,索爾兹伯里,2013 年 11 月 13 日,
         Empress Zhi) in seal script, followed by an inscription in Manchu   拍品 96 號
         script. The stone is of a pale celadon tone with some russet
         5œ/”ÿ x 5¡ x 5æ in. (13.9 x 13.8 x 14.6 cm.)
         HK$1,800,000-2,500,000        US$240,000-320,000

         Collection of Sir George Sheppard Murray (d. 1928), Managing
         Director of the Mercantile Bank of India in Singapore, acquired
         circa 1900, and thence by descent (by repute)
         Woolley & Wallis, Salisbury, 13 November 2013, lot 96

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