Page 312 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 312
AN IMPERIAL SHE INKSTONE AND 清乾隆 御製乾隆四十七年賞賜費墀銘歙硯
QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795) 漆盒銘:乾隆四十七年正月九日賜曰,講起居注官,文淵閣
The rectangular ink stone is carved with an oblong inkwell 直閣事,詹事府少詹事兼翰林院侍講學士,臣陸費墀銘曰:
surrounded by two archaistic dragons. The recessed base is carved 七十二侯廿兒心,天章庚載重華春。雕龍蜿蜒宜龍賓,文章
in relief with a three-character inscription in a horizontal line
reading yuzhi ming, ‘imperial inscription’, above an eight-character 砥礪斯銘恩。
poetic inscription. The top of the cover is incised and filled in 陸費墀(1731-1790),清學者、藏書家、圖書館官員。本姓費,字丹叔,
green lacquer with an inscription dated to the ninth day of the first 一字礛士,號頤齋,晚號吳涇灌叟。浙江桐鄉人。乾隆三十一年(1766)
month of the fourty-seventh year of the Qianlong reign (1783). 進士,改庶起士,授編修,官至禮部侍郎。乾隆三十八年(1773)四庫
6º in. (15.9 cm.) long 全書開館,受任四庫全書館總校及副總裁之職。此硯應為其作為四庫全
HK$380,000-480,000 US$50,000-62,000 書總校頗受重用時乾隆皇帝所賜。
According to the inscription on the cover, the present inkstone was 2018 年 5 月北京故宮博物院曾於神武門舉辦「硯德清風」一展,其中展
gifted from the Emperor Qianlong to Lu Feixi (1731-1790), a Qianlong- 出兩方費墀銘歙硯,其硯盒形制與本品一致(圖一、圖二)。
period scholar-official and the chief editor of the Siku Quanshu. Two
other she inkstones with similar inscriptions filled in green lacquer
are preserved in the Qing Court collection, and exhibited at the Palace
Museum, Beijing, in May 2018 (figs. 1 and 2).
fig. 1 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing fig. 2 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
圖一 北京故宮博物院藏品 圖二 北京故宮博物院藏品