Page 158 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 158

           A VISHNU MANDALA                                  毗濕奴壇城唐卡
           NEPAL, DATED 1685 CE                              尼泊爾,1685年
           Dated by inscription, “Samvat 806”.               題記中寫有開光年份:「尼瓦曆806年」。
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61806             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61806號
           135 x 104 cm (53 x 41 in.)                        畫心:135 x 104 釐米(53 x 41 英吋)

           HK$600,000 - 800,000                              600,000 - 800,000 港元

           Commissioned by a high-caste Hindu family, the painting depicts a   此幅博巴顏色艷麗,畫工精細,描繪了諸多尊勝及歷史人物,為一高
           vast, discernible host of deities and historical figures in rich colors.   種姓印度教家庭訂製供養。博巴主尊為毗濕奴的化身阿難陀·那羅延
           The central subject is Ananta Narayana, a form of Vishnu backed by   天,其背靠七頭龍蛇王阿難陀,此形象表現了毗濕奴把夢中所造宇宙
           the seven heads of the serpent King Ananta, referring to the creation   變為現實的神話傳說。那羅延天左右各有其妻子吉祥天女和坐騎大鵬
           myth wherein Vishnu dreams the universe (thus also, this mandala)   金翅鳥相伴。主尊外繞三圈多彩蓮瓣,每一瓣上呈現毗濕奴的不同形
           into existence. He is flanked by his wife Lakshmi and his mount   象,其中最外圈花瓣中更刻劃了毗濕奴及吉祥天女雙身像。蓮花結構
           Garuda. The center is then surrounded by three rings of multi-colored  外部細緻地描繪了諸多印度教及佛教尊勝。畫面上方兩橫條內展現了
           lotus petals. Every petal bears a different form of Vishnu. Petals in   毗濕奴的十個化身,其中包括佛陀,即毗濕奴的第九化身。
           the outermost ring show forms of Vishnu coupled with Lakshmi.
           Many Hindu and Buddhist deities are then in the surrounding square.   畫面下方一段梵文題記記載了此幅博巴的開光祈願文,並提到主持儀
           Lastly, the two registers at the top show the ten avatars of Vishnu,   式的婆羅門(祭司)同時也是這幅畫作的供養人。
           including Buddha.
           Before the bottom register, a long Sanskrit inscription describes   ,於此殊勝毗濕奴日[巴德拉月第14天(8至9月)],婆羅門賈耶
           the painting’s consecration and identifies the priest, who is also the   納·拉納以火供頂禮阿難陀·那羅延天,開啟太陽日禁戒儀式。
           donor of this painting:
           “May it be auspicious. Greeting to Ananta Narayayaṇa. In the year of   面容圓滿美好,善待一切窮苦大眾。 身呈深綠色,項掛草花環,額
           806 of the Nepal Era (1685 CE), on the auspicious day of Viṣṇu [the   上抹黃粉。蓮花眼之神,我祈願皈依於您。」
           14th day of the bright half of the Bhadra month (August/September)],
           Brahmin Jayanta Raja performed the fire sacrifice in order to please   畫面最下方描繪了尼泊爾王室成員與供養人家庭的肖像,根據題記
           Ananta Narayaṇa and initiated the vrata ritual on Sunday.   可逐一辨認:畫面左側正在舉行開光儀式的是拉佐帕德雅雅家族; 畫
           O compassionate god, [you] conquered the powerful hostile demon   兄弟佳亞格拉·馬拉,以及國王的兒子即王位繼承人布帕亭德拉·馬拉
           Kesa and protected the people terrified by [the demon]. [You are]   (1695-1722)正虔誠敬拜。
           the personification of the space, fire, air, earth and water. [You are]
           indeed very handsome and kind to the poor. Your greenish dark body   帕爾博士在其著作《尼泊爾藝術》中收綠了一幅創作於1681年的由
           is adorned with beautiful petals of the durva grass. Your forehead   皇室供養的毗濕奴博巴,與本作品風格十分相似,其中加亞吉塔密特
           is smeared with beautiful bright yellow pigment (golocana). O lotus-  拉‧馬拉國王及其他皇室成員的肖像也出現於畫中,外貌儀態與此幅
           eyed god, I seek refuge with you.”                非常相似(參見Pal, 《Art of Nepal》,洛杉磯,1985年,頁73,圖
           Within the bottom register, Nepal’s royal family joins the family
           commissioning this painting. Each member identified by the   謹在此特別鳴謝 Guatama Vajracharya 博士協助解讀畫中題記。
           inscription, the Rajopadhyaya family perform the consecration
           ceremony on the left, while the king of Bhaktapur, Jayajitamitra Malla
           (r.1673-96), joins on the right with his brother, Jayogra Malla, and his
           son and successor Bhupatindra Malla (r. 1696-1722).

           A related Vishnu painting, dated just four years earlier (1681), show
           King Jayajitamitra Malla and his family in a similar manner, but as
           the donors of the painting (see Pal, Art of Nepal, Los Angeles, 1985,
           p.73, no.P26).

           Bonhams is grateful to Dr. Gautama Vajracharya for his assistance in
           preparation of this lot.

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