Page 162 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 162

           A GILT COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF TSONGKHAPA          銅鎏金宗喀巴像
           TIBET, 16TH/17TH CENTURY                          西藏,十六/十七世紀
           A Tibetan inscription at the back of the base, translates, “I prostrate   底坐背面刻有藏文銘文,譯為:「吾叩拜勝者宗喀巴」。
           to victorious royal ba Tsong kha pa.”             喜馬拉雅藝術資源24009號
           Himalayan Art Resource item no.24009              高15.5釐米(6 1/8英吋)
           15.5 cm (6 1/8 in.) high
                                                             250,000 - 350,000 港元
           HK$250,000 - 350,000
           This handsome bronze of Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419) details his   巴雙肩旁的寶劍與經文將他塑造為文殊菩薩轉世。此作品優於一尊
           receding hairline and deep grooves around the mouth, distinctive   相似的銅鎏金宗喀巴像,售於蘇富比,巴黎,2015年12月16日,拍
           features of the great sage’s portrait. Its impassioned inscription further   品58A。
           serves to identify him. Tsongkhapa’s iconography of a sword and sutra
           emerging from lotuses by his shoulders revers him as a manifestation   來源
           of Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Perfected Wisdom. The present lot   倫佩茨拍賣行,2008年12月12日,拍品180號
           compares favorably to a closely related gilt bronze of the same subject   佳士得,紐約,2016年9月13日,拍品219號
           sold at Sotheby’s, Paris, 16 December 2015, lot 58A.

           Lempertz, 12 December 2008, lot 180
           Christie’s, New York, 13 September 2016, lot 219

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