Page 166 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 166

           A LARGE GILT COPPER ALLOY REPOUSSÉ FIGURE         銅鎏金錘揲薩迦喇嘛像
           OF A SAKYA LAMA                                   西藏,十七世紀
           TIBET, 17TH CENTURY                               喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61810號
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61810             高65.5釐米(25 3/4英吋)
           65.5 cm (25 3/4 in.) high
                                                             500,000 - 800,000 港元
           HK$500,000 - 800,000
           The figure is likely a revered Sakya master, indicated by the scale   能是一位受人崇敬的薩迦喇嘛。他正沉思冥想,但流露出極富感染力
           and quality of the sculpture and the type of robe he is wearing. His   的微笑,似乎對其所見感到滿意。柔軟而圓潤的身軀被幾層裝飾華麗
           face is contemplative, yet has an infectious smile, as if pleased with   的長袍包裹著,上有刻劃巧妙精緻的團花紋與雲雷紋,代表華美的繡
           what he beholds. His soft and rotund body is wrapped in several   花綢緞。肖像以心形髮線和寬大的耳朵為特徵;雖然雙手為鑄造而身
           layers of richly adorned robes, chased with sophisticated floral   體為錘揲,但造像整體銜接完美、優美和諧。
           and cloud patterns, suggesting fine embroidered silks. His portrait
           is distinguished by a heart-shaped hairline and large wide ears.   類似的長袍處理,可與一尊舊藏於「大師之像」收藏的嘉普巴索郎培
           Although created with a combination of cast hands and repoussé   做比較,參見邦瀚斯,紐約,2017年3月14日,拍品3261號。作品粗
           body, the presentation is seamless and harmonious.    壯的形態以及無憂樹枝的處理與里德堡博物館的一尊二世達賴喇嘛相
                                                             近(參看Uhlig,《On the Path to Enlightenment》,蘇黎世,1995
           Compare a similar treatment of the robes with a closely related   年,頁196,編號141)。
           repoussé figure of Dragpa Sonampel, formerly in the Portraits of the
           Masters Collection, sold at Bonhams, New York, 14 March 2017,
           lot 3261. The present figure’s stout form and vessel with an asoka
           tree branch are also shared by a figure of the 2nd Dalai Lama in the
           Museum Rietberg (Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment, Zurich, 1995,
           p.196, no.141).

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