Page 160 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 160

           A GILT COPPER FIGURE OF INDRA AND INDRANI         銅鎏金因陀羅與因陀羅尼像
           NEPAL, 17TH CENTURY                               尼泊爾,十七世紀
           The two adjoined figures cast separately.         兩尊分別鑄造。
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61754             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61754號
           21.5 cm (8 1/2 in.) high                          高21.5釐米(8 1/2 英吋)

           HK$250,000 - 350,000                              250,000 - 350,000 港元

           A master craftsman depicts Indra and Indrani as the epitome of   在這件作品中,工藝超群的匠師刻劃因陀羅與因陀羅尼夫婦呈依偎
           marital bliss. He seats Indrani closely within Indra’s lap and adorns   姿,幸福美滿。因陀羅尼親密地坐在因陀羅腿上,兩尊周身穿戴配飾
           the two with corresponding raiment and regalia, creating a delightful   協調統一,賞心悅目。因陀羅與因陀羅尼姿勢一致,手結安慰印,眼
           visual unity. He casts the pair with matching gestures, each offering   含笑意,靜謐祥和。
           reassurance to the viewer and gazing with an equal measure of
           benevolence.                                      通過主尊額上平視的第三眼,和左肩上盛開蓮花上的金剛杵等特征,
           We can recognize the pair as Indra and Indrani because of the   因陀羅造像的標誌特征(參見Pal,《Art of Nepal》,洛杉磯,1985
           remnants of a horizontal third eye on Indra’s forehead and the   年,頁28與119)。在尼泊爾傳統文化中,人們相信因陀羅可帶來風
           presence of a vajra blooming by his left shoulder. His broad crown   調雨順,五穀豐收,因此在印度教和佛教徒間都廣受供奉。
           is also an identifying feature for Indra, unique to the Kathmandu
           Valley (cf. Pal, Art of Nepal, Los Angeles, 1985, pp.28&119). As the   此尊精美造像正是十七世紀上半葉馬拉王朝晚期的代表作之一。相較
           bringer of rain and harvests, Indra enjoys great popularity in Nepal,   於馬拉王朝早期造像風格,晚期的造像總體上更為纖長,下頦尖削,
           worshiped regularly by both Hindus and Buddhists.    配飾衣著也更為繁複華麗(參照丹佛美術館藏一尊早期馬拉風格文殊
           This bronze is a high example of the Late Malla style of Nepal,   收藏中的類似造像,例如諾頓西蒙博物館藏文殊與般若佛母像(館
           flourishing in the first half of the 17th century. Compared to the Early   藏編號M.2010.1.42.S),以及Alain Bordier 收藏的金剛總持雙身像
           Malla style, figures in the Late Malla style are more slender and have   (Beguin,《Art sacre du Tibet》,巴黎,2013年,頁111,43號)
           slightly narrower faces, while garments and ornamentation are more   ,此尊因陀羅與因陀羅尼像所展現的魅力和藝術感染力更勝一籌。
           flamboyant. (See a bronze Manjushri and Prajna in the Early Malla
           style in the Denver Art Museum, dated 1570 CE [acc. no.1972.127].)   來源
           Compared with other examples in prestigious collections, such as   佛羅里達私人收藏,1966-7年購於尼泊爾
           a Manjushri with Prajnaparamita in the Norton Simon Museum (acc.
           no.M.2010.1.42.S) and a Vajradhara with Svabhaprajna in the Alain
           Bordier Collection (Beguin, Art sacre du Tibet, Paris, 2013, p.111,
           no.43), this endearing bronze of Indra with Indrani excels.

           Private Florida Collection, acquired in Nepal, 1966-7

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