Page 198 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 198

           A SILVER FIGURE OF MARICI                         銀質積光佛母像
           QIANLONG PERIOD (1735-1796)                       乾隆時期(1735-1796)
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61788             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61788號
           18.5 cm (7 3/8 in.) high                          高18.5釐米(7 3/8英吋)

           HK$700,000 - 900,000                              700,000 - 900,000 港元

           Marici, Goddess of Light, is shown seated on a lotus throne on the   積光佛母,梵名為摩利支天,坐於豬背上的蓮座之上,呈菩薩寂靜
           back of a sow. She is sumptuously adorned with crown with inset   相。佛母一面二臂,頭飾華麗的五葉冠,肩披天衣絲帶。此尊造像是
           gems and flowing silk shawl. This example is one of the rare silver   清代宮庭少數大型鑄銀造像中罕見之例。
           figures of its size.
           As recorded in Maricidharanisutra, she is the powerful bodhisattva   且善於隱形。傳有保衛國土防止敵兵侵犯之神通,在乾隆四十五年
           who masters the power of indivisibility in the daylight. Marici is a   (公元1780年)六世班禪爾德尼進京為乾隆祝賀時,進獻了數幅積
           highly revered deity in the Qing court due to her role as the tutelary   光佛母唐卡作為壽禮,唐卡以及綾簽現藏於北京故宮。
           protector of the State from invading armies. The prominence of her
           worship is reiterated by the sixth Panchen Lama, who gifted a set   現藏於梵華樓西壁供有一尊與此尊造像風格極為相近的乾隆時期積光
           of Marici thangkas to the Emperor in the forty fifth year of Qianlong   佛母(參見故宮博物院編,《梵華樓藏寶》,北京,2013年,頁509
           (1780).                                           ,圖755)。另論一尊類似清十八世紀摩利支天造像售於倫敦邦瀚
           Compare with an almost identical Marici from the Wall of Sanctuary
           of Buddhist Essence in the Palace Museum, published in Palace   來源
           Publishing, Fanhua Lou cangbao: Foxiang [Statues in the Sanctuary   蘇富比,倫敦,2016年11月9日,拍品282號
           of Buddhist Essence], Beijing, 2013, p.509, pl.755), and another
           example sold at Bonhams, London, 15 May 2014, lot 316.

           Sotheby’s, London, 9 November 2016, lot 282

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