Page 194 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 194

           SIX ILLUSTRATED FOLIOS FROM A KANGYUR             彩繪《甘珠爾》六頁
           QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY                        清朝,十八世紀
           Six folios set within silk and wood borders and with three silk   喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61765號
           coverlets each. Each illustrated subject is identified by flanking    紙本設色;每頁以原裝木框及錦緞裝裱,並以三幅絲織經簾覆蓋。
           yellow cartouches in Manchu and Mongolian.        經頁:16.5×58.4釐米(6 1/2 x 23英吋)每張;
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61765             裝裱:23.2 x 72.4釐米(9 1/8 x 28 1/2英吋)每張
           Folios: 16.5 x 58.4 cm (6 1/2 x 23 in.) each;
           With borders: 23.2 x 72.4 cm (9 1/8 x 28 1/2 in.) each  80,000 - 120,000 港元

           HK$80,000 - 120,000                               此六張經頁出自一部《甘珠爾》,每頁描畫了一排五位神祇,每位均
           From an illustrated canon of Buddhist scripture (kangyur), these six   本尊、又有財神。憤怒尊身後的火焰狀背光顏色各異,別有新意。
           folios each depict a row of five deities identified by cartouches in
           Manchu and Mongolian. They show a fantastic array of peaceful and   來源
           wrathful protectors, yidam, and wealth deities. The different colored   Theos Bernard(1908-1947)家族收藏,紐約
           flames behind each wrathful figure are particularly inspired.    蘇富比,紐約,1996年3月28日,拍品23號(部 分)
           The Estate of Theos Bernard (1908-1947), New York
           Sotheby’s, New York, 28 March 1996, lot 23 (part)
           Private New York Collection
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