Page 195 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 195

           SIX ILLUSTRATED FOLIOS FROM A KANGYUR             彩繪《甘珠爾》六頁
           QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY                        清朝,十八世紀
           Distemper on paper; each folio mounted with original wood borders   紙本設色;每頁以原裝木框及錦緞裝裱。
           wrapped in silk brocade.                          喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61764號
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61764             經頁:16.8 x 59釐米(6 5/8 x 23 1/4英吋)每張;
           Folios: 16.8 x 59 cm (6 5/8 x 23 1/4 in.) each;   裝裱:23.5 x 72. 8釐米(9 1/4 x 28 5/8英吋)每張
           With original silk borders: 23.5 x 72.8 cm (9 1/4 x 28 5/8 in.) each
                                                             150,000 - 250,000 港元
           HK$150,000 - 250,000
           These six exquisitely painted folios are part of an illuminated set of   央處以滿蒙兩文抄寫經文,金字靛紙。由每頁黃邊處的滿漢兩文標
           canonical Buddhist teachings (kangyur). Four folios have a central   題推測,所抄經文可能出自《妙法蓮華經》。六張經頁共繪十八位神
           text area of Manchu and Mongolian script beautifully written in gold   祇與上師,各伴以滿文與蒙文題記。繪製考究精美,或出自中原御
           on indigo paper. The script likely consists of verses from the Lotus   用藝師之手。此六頁或與1699年問世的康熙《龍藏經》約屬同一時
           Sutra, indicated by chapter headings in Manchu and Chinese on   期,參見馮明珠主編,《殊勝因緣—內府泥金寫本藏文龍藏經探索》
           each folio’s yellow borders. A total of 18 deities and teachers are   ,2015年,臺北。
           depicted, each identified by Manchu and Mongolian cartouches. Of
           refined quality, these folios were likely painted by imperially appointed   來源
           artists in Northern China. They were probably produced within a   Theos Bernard(1908-1947)家族收藏,紐約
           few decades of the famous 1699 Kangxi Kanjur published in Fung,   蘇富比,紐約,1996年3月28日,拍品23號(部分)
           A Wondrous Predestined Occasion: Unveiling the Kangxi Kangyur,   紐約私人收藏
           2015, Taipei.

           The Estate of Theos Bernard (1908-1947), New York
           Sotheby’s, New York, 28 March 1996, lot 23 (part)
           Private New York Collection

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