Page 64 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 64

           A BLACKSTONE STELE OF BUDDHA                      黑石佛陀禪定碑
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61808             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61808號
           49 cm (19 1/4 in.) high                           高49釐米(19 1/4英吋)

           HK$800,000 - 1,200,000                            800,000 - 1,200,000 港元

           In excellent condition, this superbly carved stele is a classic   此座石碑雕刻精美,是經典帕拉時期作品, 自印度東北部,即釋迦
           subject from the Pala period of Northeastern India, the location of   牟尼生活和弘法之地。石碑刻劃了寶座上的釋迦牟尼在獅子守護下冥
           Shakyamuni’s life and teachings. It portrays Shakyamuni in deep   想。獅子的梵語是「釋迦」,所以獅子與佛陀的尊稱「釋迦族之聖者
           meditation upon a throne guarded by lions. The Sanskrit for lion is   (釋迦牟尼)」有關。釋迦牟尼在世時說法,以佛法之智慧開悟世
           ‘sakya’ and thus the animals refer to Buddha’s epithet, ‘The Sage   人,此類總結了緣起法教義的语句統稱為「佛教信條(緣生法頌)」
           of the Shakya Clan’ (Shakyamuni). The declarative summation of   ,此尊石碑上圍繞著釋迦牟尼焰緣背光環刻有緣生法頌。Huntington
           Shakyamuni’s enacted wisdom on this earth, commonly known   解釋說,寫在帕拉雕塑上的緣生法頌具有 光的效果(Huntington &
           as the “Buddhist Creed”, is inscribed around his flaming halo.   Huntington,《Leaves from the Bodhi Tree》,俄亥俄,1990年,
           Huntington explains it is consecratory in nature, written on Pala   頁124)。此处銘文翻譯成中文為(摘自《四分律》):
           sculptures to vivify them with the energy of the Dharma (Huntington,
           Leaves from the Bodhi Tree, Ohio, 1990, p.124). It translates to:    「如來說因緣生法,亦說因緣滅法。若法所因生,如來說是因,若法
           “All phenomena arise from causes;
           Those causes have been explained by the Tathagatha,    Melzer雖沒明確解釋佛陀兩側的兩座佛塔的出處,但他認為佛塔與
           And their cessation too has been taught by the Great Shramaṇa.”    佛教信條有象徵性的關聯。舍利塔代表佛陀在世的神聖存在,而碑
           Also, flanking the head of Buddha are two stupas. No definitive   《Buddha: 2000 Years of Buddhist Art》,弗爾克林根,2016年,
           explanation for their presence has been given, however, Melzer sees   頁120)。此类带佛塔的石碑是帕拉時期的经典之作。
           a symbolic association between them and the Buddhist Creed, with
           the stupas representing Buddha’s remaining sacred presence on the   此碑上釋迦牟尼的雕刻比大多數相似例子較細膩以及完整。釋迦牟
           earth, while the inscription embodies his supramundane essence, or   尼臉部細緻,眉毛突出,鼻樑筆直,脣線分明豐滿。佛陀身著薄衣
           “dharma body” (see Grewenig & Rist (eds.), Buddha: 2000 Years of   披身,通肩式袈裟並不刻劃衣紋,散發出莊嚴之美,帶有笈多王朝
           Buddhist Art, Völklingen, 2016, p.120). The stupas are a feature that   时鹿野苑的造像風格。另論三尊相關例子參見同上,頁98-9,01-1
           make this stele such an iconic Pala stone sculpture.    號,24號和35號;Huntington & Huntington,《Leaves from the
                                                             Bodhi Tree》,俄亥俄,1990年,頁415,19號。
           Shakyamuni is better carved here than in most comparable
           examples. The sheer robe that covers both shoulders and clings   來源
           to his svelte body is reminiscent of the Gupta aesthetic developed   Dr. Richard and Ruth Dickes收藏,紐約,於1981年購入
           at Sarnath. His face is especially handsome with pronounced
           eyebrows, pointed nose, and sensuous lips. Compare with a number
           of examples of this classic composition, published in: ibid., pp.98-
           9&120-1, nos.24&35; Huntington & Huntington, Leaves from the
           Bodhi Tree, 1990, p.415, no.19.

           Collection of Dr. Richard and Ruth Dickes, New York, acquired in 1981

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