Page 67 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 67

           A GILT COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF MAITREYA            銅鎏金彌勒佛像
           NORTHEASTERN INDIA, PALA PERIOD, 11TH/12TH CENTURY   印度東北部,帕拉時期,十一/十二世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61747             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61747號
           8.3 cm (3 1/4 in.) high                           高8.3釐米(3 1/4英吋)

           HK$500,000 - 700,000                              500,000 - 700,000 港元

           Nestled within his headdress is a domed stupa that identifies this   憑藉人物髮髻上的佛塔可知此尊造像所塑造的是彌勒佛。彌勒佛是完
           delightful figure as Maitreya. Maitreya is the embodiment of perfected   美慈愛的化身,此處呈「遊戲」坐姿,笑對眾生,雙手結說法印,
           loving kindness. He sits in ‘royal ease’, smiling at the viewer. His   蓮花綻放於雙肩。彌勒即未來佛,於兜率天修行說法,等待下凡救
           hands come together to further the Dharma, which causes lotuses to   度世人。
           bloom and nuzzle by his shoulders. As the Future Buddha, Maitreya
           preaches in his heavenly abode until it is time to usher in    此尊是較為少見的帕拉時期鎏金造像。其雅致圓渾的蓮瓣及精細的盛
           the enlightened salvation of all beings.          裝是帕拉晚期風格的特點。一尊菩薩道舊藏的作明佛母與之關係密
           The sculpture is one of comparatively few Pala sculptures to survive
           with its gilding. The fine, rounded lotus petals and intricate regalia   著錄
           exemplify the late Pala style’s gem-like refinement. A closely related   John Siudmak Asian Art,《印度與喜馬拉雅藝術》,倫敦,2016
           Kurukulla, formerly of the Nyingjei Lam Collection, was sold at   年,頁41,編號33。
           Sotheby’s, Hong Kong, 3 October 2017, lot 3106.
           Published                                         歐洲私人收藏
           John Siudmak Asian Art, Indian and Himalayan Art, London, 2016,
           p.41, no.33.

           Private European Collection
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