Page 71 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 71

           A COPPER ALLOY SHRINE TO CROWNED BUDDHA           寶冠佛銅像
           NORTHEASTERN INDIA, PALA PERIOD, 12TH CENTURY     印度東北部,帕拉時期,十二世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61755             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61755號
           17.2 cm (6 3/4 in.) high                          高17.2釐米(6 3/4 英吋)

           HK$80,000 - 120,000                               80,000 – 120,000 港元

           Pal discusses a closely related example of Crowned Buddha in the   在討論Bhansali收藏的一尊相似的寶冠佛像時,帕爾博士指出此類造
           Bhansali Collection, where he suggests the pedestal represents a   像的底座象徵一座三圍的壇城,主尊站立在壇城之上,接受下方信徒
           three-dimensional mandala on which the figure stands, worshiped   的朝拜(參見Pal,《The Elegant Image》,新奧爾良,2011年,頁
           by a miniature devotee (Pal, The Elegant Image, New Orleans, 2011,   37,75號)。印度藝術傳統借用皇室意象象徵神明在精神領域的權
           p.37, no.75). Images of Crowned Buddha are thought to extend Indic  威,寶冠佛的形象可能來自於此,也可能與印度自古以來喜愛裝飾神
           traditions of adoring a deity and using regal symbolism to convey   像的傳統有關。雖然此形象起源於帕拉,但後來亦於東南亞、中國、
           spiritual dominion. Originating in Pala art, such images spread   及喜馬拉雅等地廣泛流傳。
           throughout Southeast Asia, China, and the Himalayas.
           Provenance                                        私人收藏,米蘭,九十年代末
           Private Collection, Milan, late 1990s
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