Page 76 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 76

           A COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF MANJUSHRI                文殊菩薩銅坐像
           TIBET, 13TH CENTURY                               西藏,十三世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61749             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61749號
           14.5 cm (5 3/4 in.) high                          高14.5釐米(5 3/4英吋)

           HK$150,000 - 250,000                              150,000 - 250,000 港元

           The Prajnaparamita sutra blossoms by his left shoulder while   此尊精巧的造像以蓮花綻放於左肩,其上置般若經,右手持金剛劍,
           he raises his ‘wisdom sword’ aloft in this energetic sculpture of   昂揚向上,體現文殊菩薩威嚴之形象。佛像面頰豐腴、髮飾和服飾的
           Manjushri. While the style’s dress, hair, and rounded face descend   處理均體現帕拉遺風,其舒展的身姿與蓮瓣則又表明其為西藏匠師模
           from Pala idioms, the broad open posture and lotus petals   仿帕拉風格所造。可對比現藏於大昭寺的一尊類似的綠度母銅像,
           demonstrate Tibetan artistic adaptations. The same is reflected in   參見施羅德,《印度與西藏的銅造像》,香港,1981年,頁1100
           a related bronze of Syamatara in the Johkang, published in von   ,285A號。
           Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, 1981, p.1100, no.285A.
           Provenance                                        歐洲私人收藏,2009年購於香港
           Private European Collection, acquired in Hong Kong, 2009
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