Page 72 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 72

           A STONE FIGURE OF TARA                            石雕度母像
           TIBET, CIRCA 12TH CENTURY                         西藏,約十二世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61748             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61748號
           11.4 cm (4 1/2 in.) high                          高11.4釐米(4 1/2英吋)

           HK$500,000 - 700,000                              500,000 - 700,000 港元

           This finely carved figure of Tara belongs to a rare group of stone   這尊精美的度母像屬於創作於公元十一到十二世紀的被稱為”西藏帕
           sculptures commonly described as representing the “Pala School   拉風格”的一類稀有石像。作品表面殘留的冷金和顏料表明其曾被供
           in Tibet”, created during the 11th to 12th centuries. The remains of   奉於西藏地區。與此同時,度母豐滿嫋娜的身型,高聳的髮髻和飄浮
           cold gold and pigments suggest that it has been worshiped in Tibet.   的衣飾,體現了東北印度的帕拉風格,加之其上乘的藝術性和雕工,
           Meanwhile, Tara’s sensuous body, curvy posture, tall hair bun and   此作品很可能出自印度匠師之手。
           flying ribbons are modeled in the Pala style of Northeastern India.
           While her face appears more Tibetan than Indian, the refined overall   施羅德先生認為此類作品是由當時活躍在西藏地區的印度匠師所作,
           quality seems to indicate Indian craftsmanship.    因此既體現了印度的風格,又吸收和兼容了西藏式的美學。他曾寫
           Von Schroeder has suggested such sculptures were made by an   水平尚且粗拙。由此推斷,到十世紀晚期,也就是後弘期時,西藏本
           Indian artist who worked in Tibet for local patrons, in a primarily   地的石雕水平也不會顯著提高。”(施羅德,《西藏佛教造像》,香
           Indian style adapted to Tibetan tastes. He writes, “The Tibetans   港,2001年,頁372-3)。對比一尊同時期綠度母像對身型和珠寶細
           themselves were not particularly famous for the quality of their rock-   節的處理(同上,頁380-1,編號.121E)。
           and stone-carvings during the first propagation of Buddhism during
           the Tibetan imperial period (c.600-842). It is reasonable to assume   來源
           that by the late 10th century, when the second propagation gained   John Stewart,香港,2015年8月
           momentum, there existed little local expertise in the stone-carving   歐洲私人收藏
           medium.” (von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet, Hong Kong,
           2001, pp.372-3). Compare the modeling of the deity’s body and
           jewelry details to a Green Tara stele from the same period (ibid.,
           pp.380-1, no.121E).

           John Stewart, Hong Kong, August 2015
           Private European Collection

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