Page 77 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 77

           A COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF A BODHISATTVA            菩薩銅像
           TIBET, CIRCA 12TH CENTURY                         西藏,約十二世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61775             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61775號
           9.5 cm (3 3/4 in.) high                           高9.5釐米(3 3/4英吋)

           HK$250,000 - 350,000                              250,000 - 350,000 港元

           This quite singular early Tibetan bronze portrays a supple   此尊西藏早期銅像展現一位神態溫和自在、目光自信祥和的菩薩。此
           Bodhisattva in languid ease with a sweet and confident gaze. It most   菩薩很有可能是彌勒,其姿勢與帕拉時期刻畫這位慈愛菩薩的方式相
           likely represents Maitreya, drawing on a manner of depicting the   同。一尊相似的十一世紀造像的例子,可見於Jane Anne Casey編著
           Bodhisattva of Loving Kindness in this posture in the Pala period.    《Medieval Sculpture from Eastern India》,新澤西,1985年,頁68
           For example, see an 11th-century bronze in Casey, Medieval   ,39號;另一尊九世紀的銅像則藏於紐約大都會藝術博物館(館藏編
           Sculpture from Eastern India, New Jersey, 1985, p.68, no.39, and   號1987.142.347)。此尊造像面部雖與帕拉晚期造像不同,然而身上
           another suggested to 9th-century in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,   的織物圖樣、輕盈的造型、以及葉狀的首飾的靈感兼源自帕拉晚期,
           New York (acc. no.1987.142.347). While the face differs, the present   因此很可能是在十二世紀左右所鑄,此時西藏對印度佛教的效仿學習
           sculpture’s patterned textiles, lithe modelling, and foliate jewelry draw  已接近尾聲。
           inspiration from late Pala sculpture, suggesting it was likely cast in
           the later days of Tibet’s apprenticeship of Indian Buddhism around   來源
           the 12th century.                                 Benny Rustenburg,香港,2000年6月20日
           Benny Rustenburg, Hong Kong, 20 June 2000
           Private European Collection
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