Page 82 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 82

           OF SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA                               西藏,約十三世紀
           TIBET, CIRCA 13TH CENTURY                          蓮座背面以藏文刻有「尼仁」二字。
           The back of the base with a Tibetan inscription: Ni Ring   喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61732號
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61732              高16.5釐米(6 1/2英吋)
           16.5 cm (6 1/2 in.) high
                                                              500,000 - 800,000 港元
           HK$500,000 - 800,000
           This lustrous bronze depicts the historical Buddha at the moment of   表達佛祖的完美智識,神采飛揚。該作品屬於一類重要的西藏早期
           attaining supreme enlightenment. Its caster inlaid the figure’s eyes   造像,此類造像體現了西藏藝術自印度典範另闢蹊徑,以開拓當地
           with silver and copper to evoke Buddha’s perfected consciousness.   美學傾向。
           This sculpture belongs to an important group of bronzes that show
           early Tibetan artists straying away from Indian models to explore   作品中多處可見西藏匠人揉合多種印度風格,並加以發揮。例如佛
           Tibetan aesthetic proclivities.                    陀神色警覺,面部特徵接近西藏以西之克什米爾風格(Linrothe,
                                                              《Collecting Paradise》,紐約,2015年,頁56-59,圖1.26及
           Elements of the bronze’s appearance show a distinctive synthesis   1.27);袈裟素淨而修身,源自西藏以南之帕拉銅像,(參見
           of Indian artistic styles that Tibetan artists drew from. The Buddha’s   Niharranjan,《Eastern Indian Bronzes》,新德里,1986年,
           alert expression and facial features resemble those of Kashmir,   217-21號)。
           located west of Tibet (cf. Linrothe (ed.), Collecting Paradise, New
           York, 2015, pp.56-9, figs.1.26 & 1.27), while the unpatterned robe   佛祖身軀修長,意態空靈,並無印度藝術慣常之柔膚及肌肉感。
           hugging Buddha’s body draws from Pala bronzes to Tibet’s south (cf.   同時蓮座較大,便於裝藏,體現其西藏源流。其他相似佛像多藏於
           Niharranjan, Eastern Indian Bronzes, New Delhi, 1986, nos.217-21).    拉薩,並收錄於施羅德,《西藏佛教造像》,香港,2001年,頁
                                                              1190-91,圖322A-F。更多相關作品可見Pal,《Art of Tibet》,
           However, the artist has afforded the Buddha an otherworldly feel,   洛杉磯,1983年,頁381,圖145,以及Uhlig,《On the Path to
           with a slender body and lack of fleshy suppleness or musculature   Enlightenment》,蘇黎世,1995年,頁51,12號。
           widespread in Indian art. Moreover, the caster has produced an
           enlarged lotus base in order to accommodate the differing Tibetan
           practice of consecrating bronze images. These features are shared
           by a group of similar examples preserved in temple collections in
           Lhasa and published in von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet,
           Hong Kong, 2001, pp.1190-91, figs.322A-F. Further examples are
           published in Pal, Art of Tibet, Los Angeles, 1983, p.381, pl.145; and
           Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment, Zurich, 1995, p.51, no.12.

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