Page 86 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 86

           TIBET, CIRCA 15TH CENTURY                         西藏,約十五世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no. 61730            喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61730號
           21.2 cm (8 3/8 in.) high                          高21.2釐米(8 3/8英吋)

           HK$250,000 - 350,000                              250,000 - 350,000 港元

           This beautifully proportioned sculpture depicts Shakyamuni touching   釋迦摩尼佛身型俊美,比例勻稱,以優雅的手指輕觸蓮座,結觸地
           the earth with soft and elegant fingers. By including a vajra on   印。底座上橫置的金剛杵代表了釋迦摩尼在北印度菩提迦耶證悟的
           the lotus base, the sculptor evokes the moment of Shakyamuni’s   時刻。其身著華麗的袈裟,衣緣飾連珠紋,平行的多排衣摺頗具笈
           enlightenment at Bodh Gaya in Northeastern India. One’s attention is   多王朝之遺風。參考另兩尊刻劃了類似平行衣紋的銅像,一為 Alain
           then drawn to the gorgeous robe of densely patterned and beaded   Bordier收藏,見施羅德, 《Buddhist Sculptures of the Alain Bordier
           hems. The lines forming across his svelte body are reminiscent of the   Foundation》,香港,2010年,頁34-5,14B號,另一收藏在蘇黎世
           Gupta aesthetic, which are shared by two other Tibetan bronzes, one  的雷特博爾格博物館,詳見Uhlig,《On the Path to Enlightenment》
           in the Alain Bordier Collection (von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures of  ,蘇黎世,1995年,頁72-3,30號。底座上的蓮瓣造型獨特,厚實
           the Alain Bordier Foundation, Hong Kong, 2010, pp.34-5, no.14B),   的瓣萼邊帶有刻紋,與雷特博爾格博物館所藏的一尊尊勝佛母像十分
           the other in the Museum Rietberg, Zurich (Uhlig, On the Path to   相近(同上,頁153,98號)。
           Enlightenment, Zurich, 1995, pp.72-3, no.30). The distinctive lotus
           petals, of plump layers and incised edges, are closely related to that   來源
           of an Ushnishavijaya also in the Rietberg (ibid., p.153, no.98).    瑞士私人收藏,1990年前
                                                             Robert R. Bigler,蘇黎世,2008年
           Provenance                                        Xanadu Gallery,加州, 2014年
           Private Swiss Collection, by 1990                 紐約私人收藏
           Robert R. Bigler, Zurich, 2008
           Xanadu Gallery, California, 2014
           Private New York Collection

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