Page 90 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 90

           A GILT COPPER FIGURE OF MAITREYA                  銅鎏金彌勒菩薩像
           NEPAL, CIRCA 14TH CENTURY                         尼泊爾,約十四世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61781             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61781號
           8.5 cm (3 1/4 in.) high                           高8.5釐米(3 1/4英吋)

           HK$100,000 - 150,000                              100,000 - 150,000 港元

           The Future Buddha assumes the posture of teaching before an   宛若身處兜率天,彌勒菩薩雙手結說法印,以待降世解救眾生。作品
           audience, as he does in Tushita Heaven until it is time to manifest   風格獨具匠心,以蓮座取代慣用的方形寶座。經多年供奉,造像包漿
           on our plane. While in most bronzes he sits on a rectangular throne,   油潤亦富有光澤。
           here he rests on a cushioned lotus. Rubbed to a glossy finish, the
           sculpture has received extensive worship.
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