Page 91 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 91

           A GILT COPPER FIGURE OF TARA                      銅鎏金度母像
           NEPAL, CIRCA 11TH CENTURY                         尼泊爾,約十一世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61816             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61816號
           13.5 cm (5 1/4 in.) high                          高13.5釐米(5 1/4英吋)

           HK$500,000 - 700,000                              500,000 - 700,000 港元

           Solid cast and modeled in the round, Tara wears a distinctive dhoti   此尊實心鑄造度母,身著別緻天衣,天衣上交替簪刻有團花和幾何
           incised with alternating bands of rosettes and mandalas. Compare   紋樣,別具一格。類似紋樣可對比參照紐瓦克博物館藏一尊度母像
           similar patterns on Tara in the Newark Museum (Pal, The Art of   (Pal,《The Art of Nepal,Part I》,萊頓,1974年,圖226)。
           Nepal, Part I, Leiden, 1974, pl.226). The two sculptures also share   兩尊度母尺寸相仿,並有相似雙髻,單葉寶冠,釧鐲及蓮花寶座。
           similar tall, single leaf tiaras, double-bun coiffures, bracelets, and
           lotus bases.                                      度母手持烏巴拉花造型與西藏布達拉宮的利瑪拉康殿所藏的一尊十至
                                                             十一世紀白文殊類似(參見施羅德, 《西藏佛教造像》,2001年,
           The distinctive, conical treatment of the blue lily (nilotpala) is similar   頁507,圖164D-F)。另一尊出自於同時期的佛母造像風格與之接
           to a 10th-11th-century Siddhaikavira Manjushri preserved in the Lima  近,現藏於西藏布達拉宮中(同上,頁487,圖154C-H)。
           Lhakhang, Tibet (von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculpture in Tibet, 2001,
           p.507, nos.164D-F). Another closely related example of a seated   來源
           goddess from the same period is held in the Potala Palace (ibid.,   佳士得,紐約,1984年11月29&30日,拍品633號
           p.487, nos.154C-H).

           Christie’s, New York, 29 & 30 November 1984, lot 633

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