Page 88 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 88

           A COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF VAJRA NAIRATMYA          金剛無我佛母銅像
           TIBET, CIRCA 15TH CENTURY                         西藏,約十五世紀
           A Tibetan inscription around the base, translates, ‘The fully ordained   坐像底座刻有藏文銘文,譯為:「索南耶謝大僧向無我佛母致意。
           monk Sonam Yeshe pays homage to Nairatmya. This image has been  僅為吾母恭鑄此像。」
           created for the welfare of my mother.’            喜馬拉亞藝術資源41239號
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.41239             高21.2釐米(8 3/8英吋)
           21.2 cm (8 3/8 in.) high
                                                             120,000 - 160,000 港元
           HK$120,000 - 160,000
           Echoing its inscription’s touching sentiment, this distinctive bronze   往往面帶「半怒」相(出處:Rhie & Thurman所著 《Wisdom and
           depicts Vajra Nairatmya with a benign and peaceful attitude that is   Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet》,紐約,1991年,頁230,74
           rarely seen. Usually, she is shown with a ‘semi-wrathful’ expression   號)。無我佛母為禪修本尊喜金剛的明妃,地位舉足輕重,同時為薩
           (cf. Rhie & Thurman, Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of   迦派第一法門道果之聖使。因此無我佛母往往於道果傳承的成組造像
           Tibet, New York, 1991, p.230, no.74). Nairatmya holds an important   或唐卡中居次,上承教義始源金剛總持,下接首位凡人宗師毘魯巴。
           position as the consort of the meditational deity Hevajra, and her   傳為同組之一尊毘魯巴像於紐約蘇富比售出,1997年9月24日,拍品
           name means ‘Selfless One’. She is also the divine messenger of   98號。
           the lamdre teaching, the Sakya order’s preeminent doctrine. Thus,
           Nairatmya is commonly represented second in a lamdre lineage set   著錄
           of bronzes or thangkas, linking the primordial source of all teachings,   Pratapaditya Pal,《Tibet: Tradition and Change》,意大利,1997
           Vajradhara, with its first mortal master, Virupa. The Virupa possibly   年,頁132,66號。
           from the same set was sold at Sotheby’s, New York, 24 September
           1997, lot 98.                                     展覽
                                                             Tibet: Tradition and Change,亞伯科基博物館,1997年10月18日 -
           Published                                         1998年1月18日。
           Pratapaditya Pal, Tibet: Tradition and Change, Italy, 1997, p.132,
           no.66.                                            來源
                                                             Navin Kumar,紐約,1985年
           Exhibited                                         美國私人收藏
           Tibet: Tradition and Change, The Albuquerque Museum, 18 October   邦瀚斯,紐約,2015年3月16日,拍品25號
           1997 - 18 January 1998.

           Navin Kumar, New York, 1985
           Private US Collection
           Bonhams, New York, 16 March 2015, lot 25

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