Page 84 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 84

           A PARCEL GILT SILVER FIGURE OF BUDDHA             局部銀鎏金佛陀坐像
           KHASA MALLA, CIRCA 14TH CENTURY                   迦舍摩羅,約十四世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61726             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61726號
           7.5 cm (3 in.) high                               高7.5釐米(3英吋)

           HK$250,000 - 350,000                              250,000 - 350,000 港元

           Leaving Buddha’s skin in silver, the artist has gilded the remaining   此尊佛像皮表部分顯出銀質胎底,其餘部分鎏金,彰顯出清淨明澈的
           sculpture to brighten this gleaming image of Buddha. The small   佛光。造像小巧卻氣韻圓好,坐佛右手結觸地印,法相莊嚴。面部
           casting is perfected in the round. Conveying Buddha with a dominant  細節由於長期摩擦稍有磨損,但蓮座上的金剛杵及袈裟下擺的人字紋
           earth-touching gesture, it has a larger presence. The features are   仍清晰可見。類似面部特徵與蓮瓣造型可參考John與Berte Ford收藏
           lightly worn from ablutions, but the throne’s vajra and the robe’s   中的一尊尺寸相仿的四臂觀音(Denwood & Singer,《Tibetan Art,
           herringbone patterns remain. Compare the face and lotus pedestal   Toward a Definition of Style》,倫敦,1997年,頁77,圖57)。
           with a four-armed Avalokiteshvara of a similar size in the John and
           Berte Ford Collection (Denwood & Singer, Tibetan Art, Toward a   來源
           Definition of Style, London, 1997, p.77, no.57).    Benny Rustenburg,香港,2001年
           Benny Rustenburg, Hong Kong, 2001
           Private European Collection

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