Page 92 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 92

           A GILT SILVER FIGURE OF TARA                      銀鎏金度母像
           TIBET, CIRCA 14TH CENTURY                         西藏,約十四世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61738             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61738號
           11.3 cm (4 1/2 in.) high                          高11.3釐米(4 1/2 英吋)

           HK$300,000 - 500,000                              300,000 - 500,000 港元

           Glowing in silver, Tara gently smiles at the viewer. Emphasizing her   其更加女性化的寶冠於額前形成拱型,有別於常見的平底冠。相似
           enlightened Buddha-nature, her third eye has been finely inset with   的拱型寶冠可見於一尊十四世紀銅鎏金度母像,載於施羅德,《印
           turquoise. Instead of a typical flat-bottomed crown, she is adorned   度與西藏的銅造像》,香港,1981年,頁428,112A號。兩尊造像
           with a more feminine tiara that forms an arch above her forehead.   對指甲及指節的處理亦非常相似,手部整體造型優美。此尊造像蓮
           A similar arched tiara is seen on a 14th-century gilt bronze Tara   座之花瓣,狀若簡樸實則抒情,亦符合十四世紀之特質;見一尊銀
           published in von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong Kong,   質噶瑪巴西像,施羅德,《西藏佛教造像》,香港,2001年,頁
           1981, p.428, no.112A. The fingernails and knuckles are also similar,   1200-1201,327C號)。
           articulating the hands finely. The present sculpture’s thick petals,
           seemingly plain but quite lyrical, are also consistent with a 14th-
           century attribution; compare a silver figure of Karma Pakshi published
           in von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet, Hong Kong, 2001,
           pp.1200-1, no.327C.

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