Page 96 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 96

           DENSATIL, 14TH CENTURY                            丹薩替, 十四世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61817             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61817號
           31 cm (12 1/4 in.) high                           高31釐米(12 1/4 英吋)

           HK$1,500,000 - 2,500,000                          1,500,000 - 2,500,000 港元

           Few outsiders were ever able to behold the splendor of Densatil   丹薩替寺金碧輝煌的佛塔很少為世人所見,其中一位有幸一覽究竟
           monastery’s stupas. Those who did, like Tucci in 1948, remarked   的是義大利藏史學家圖奇,他曾在1948年到訪後寫到:”雕塑和浮雕
           at, “a wealth of carvings and reliefs that knew no limits... glittering   的無盡財富⋯黃金遍佈、燦爛奪目”(參見Czaja & Proser,《Golden
           with gold” (after Czaja & Proser, Golden Visions of Densatil, New   Visions of Densatil》,紐約,2014年,頁62)。丹薩替寺約五米高
           York, 2014, p.62). Towering at some five meters high, Densatil’s   的吉祥多門塔依照藏傳佛教密續儀軌次第供奉各種鎏金銅像,形成勝
           tashi gomang stupas were covered in gilded deities representing   樂金剛法境。圖奇同時也在寫作中特別提到了多門塔上部的身姿妖冶
           the retinue of Chakrasamvara in his celestial realm. The “gamboling”   的女神像。此外,當另一位印度藏學家薩拉特·錢德拉·達斯提及丹薩
           goddesses lining the upper register drew special comment from   替寺時也論:”丹薩替寺也許是西藏宗教遺產最為豐富的寺廟⋯”(同
           Tucci as well. Another outsider, Chandra Das, reckoned, “Of all   上,頁59)。丹薩替寺堪稱亞洲最偉大的古跡之一,而這尊精美絕倫
           the monasteries in Tibet, this is perhaps the richest in religious   的金剛亥母正出自於此。
           treasures...” (ibid., p.59). Densatil was one of the greatest
           monuments on the Asian continent; this beautiful gilded sculpture    圖奇的隨行攝影師梅爾於丹薩替寺拍攝的歷史照片,是我們辨識和研
           of Vajravarahi is one of its treasures.           究現已分散在世界各處的丹薩替寺造像的重要影像資料。此尊金剛亥
           Showing the stupas intact, Mele’s photographs from Tucci’s   圖片吻合(參見同上,頁158-59,圖34&35)。其蓮座下方的鏤空
           expedition allow us to identify Densatil’s dispersed sculptures. The   藤蔓紋,佛母強健的身型,以及漂浮的衣帶均與歷史照片中拍攝的金
           curved tang extending below the base of the present sculpture   剛亥母造像一致。其他存世的丹薩替寺金剛亥母像也有出版(參見同
           matches those within the photographs, and would have secured the   上,頁166-71,42-4號),另一尊類似的造像於2006年9月17日在
           goddesses to the top of the stupa (ibid., pp.158-9 & 164-5, figs.34 &   紐約佳士得售出,拍品1723號。北京首都博物館也有展覽一尊金剛
           35). The openwork treatment of the vines covering the tang from the   亥母像。
           front further resemble numerous examples of Vajravarahi sculptures
           photographed at Densatil. Moreover, the robust physiognomy and   金剛亥母是密教本尊,象徵完美的智慧,亦為勝樂金剛的明妃。為了
           flailing scarf are also similar to those photographed. Other Densatil   彰顯其完美,匠師將其塑造為姿容甜美的曼妙少女正在翩翩起舞,藤
           Vajravarahi are published (ibid., pp.166-71, nos.42-4). Another sold   蔓與法鈴組成的飄帶垂落腿間,柔美輕盈,栩栩如生。
           at Christie’s, New York, 17 September 2006, lot 1723. A further
           example is on display at the Capital Museum, Beijing.    來源
                                                             Benny Rustenburg,香港,2007年
           Vajravarahi is the consort of Chakrasamvara and a yidam embodying   歐洲私人收藏
           perfected wisdom. Reflecting her perfection, the caster has afforded
           her a young and beautiful body. She strikes a graceful dancer’s pose,
           effortlessly resting her weight on one foot. Superb festoons of bells
           surrounded by vines cascade by her legs. This ornamentation injects
           movement into the piece, while Vajravarahi’s effortless pose and
           steady gaze provide a counterbalancing calm.

           Benny Rustenburg, Hong Kong, 2007
           Private European Collection

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