Page 69 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 69

           A GILT COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF MAITREYA            銅鎏金彌勒像
           TIBET, 13TH CENTURY                               西藏,十三世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61756             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61756號
           10 cm (4 in.) high                                高10釐米(4英吋)

           HK$600,000 - 800,000                              600,000 - 800,000 港元

           This lively sculpture of Maitreya has an engaging gaze and a gentle   此尊生動的彌勒佛像目光迷人、微笑婉約,泰然自若地坐於蓮花寶
           smile. He sits poised above a rounded lotus with his hands in the   座,雙手結說法印。右膝垂下一優雅的衣結,左肩處蓮花綻放,蓮
           gesture of furthering the Dharma. An elegant knot dangles from his   花上的軍持為彌勒佛所特有。為平衡構圖,匠師亦將另一朵蓮花置
           right knee. One of his identifying attributes, the kundika, rises from   於彌勒右肩。彌勒的高綰髮髻、寶冠緞帶,以及輕簡的裝束,借鑒
           a lotus to his left shoulder, while the artist casts another lotus to   了印度東北部的帕拉風格,但更具感染力。此像可與大英博物館一尊
           his right to balance the composition. With Maitreya’s high chignon,   帕拉彌勒像相比較(參看施羅德著錄,《印度與西藏的銅造像》,香
           crown ribbons, light clothing - in fact in most manners - this fine,   港,1981年,頁283,編號69D)。
           early Tibetan sculpture draws on the Pala style of Northeastern India,
           but is arguably more spirited. Compare with a Pala Maitreya in the   來源
           British Museum (von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong Kong,   意大利私人收藏,自2004年
           1981, p.283, no.69D).

           Private Italian Collection, since 2004
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